Hello list,

I have a rather strange request, I want to delete a requestor when a ticket is created. Reason being, as the ticket is assigned to different queues, replies to requestor are sent by the other queues, and that is usually not needed for external requests. The easiest way to address this would be to just remove the requestors on tickets created in that queue.

Looking at the perldoc for Record.pm, I noticed that we can use DeleteAttribute, so I tried:
Condition: On create
Action: User Defined
Template: Global Template: Blank
Stage: Transaction Create

Custom Condition:

Custom Action preparation Code: return 1;

Custom action cleanup code:


But nothing's actually happening, and the requestor is listed on the webui still. Is there a better way to do this? Am I even barking up the right tree? Thanks in advance for your help.

Chris Nelson


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