
        Would you mind providing some info? What is the Condition and Action on 
the scrip in question. Do you use a special Template? Can you list the 
rights you gave the "Global" group as opposed to the Group of primary 
users of the queue? thanks.


On 3/25/2008 6:06 AM, F350 wrote:
> Greetings, 
> I set up a group called "All queues" with some members inside. These members
> are supposed to have read and write rights globally on all the queues just
> like the members of each queue. The problem is that when a member of the
> "All queues" group resolves a ticket, the scrip "Resolved" is not excecuted
> therefore the resolved template email is not sent. However, the scrip is
> excuted when a member of a queue resolves a ticket. Am i missing something ?
> even if i give "superUser" rights globally for the "All queues" group, the
> scrip is still not excuted. Thx for your help


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