A followup:

I tried to resolve the issue by creating a new system-level saved  
search called "All New and Open Tickets". I deleted the old "All New &  
Open Tickets" and under Configuration > Global > RT at a Glance set  
the body to be Bookmarked Tickets and All New and Open Tickets.

Two different things happened:
1: For existing users: Instead of the new search, RT displays  
"Predefined search All New & Open Tickets not found" or "Either you  
have no rights to view saved search RT::User-31974-SavedSearch-53 or  
identifier is incorrectPredefined search All New & Open Tickets not  
Screenshot: http://skitch.com/grahamb/um86/rt-at-a-glance

If I go to the user preferences and add the search to RT at a Glance  
from there, the search appears.

2. For new users: No error message, but the search still doesn't  
appear. Again, adding it from the user-level prefs works.

So, it appears that the global preferences aren't being respected. Any  
ideas of why that might happen?

We have a fairly small number of users, so I could change this  
manually for each during the upgrade (can this be done through the  
database?), but I'd rather do it the right way.

Any assistance would be gratefully appreciated -- this is one of the  
few things holding up an upgrade.


On 13-Aug-08, at 18:32 , Graham Ballantyne wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm attempting to move a RT 3.6.3 install over to 3.8.1rc4. I'm having
> difficulties with saved searches. My 3.6.3 server exists at hostname/
> rt and the saved searches (e.g. All New & Open Tickets) have /rt/
> hardcoded into the search (e.g. if I click Edit > Advanced, the second
> textfield has /rt/ hardcoded into the code that generates the html
> links).
> My 3.8.1 server is going to be at a new hostname and located at the
> root. I have tried editing the searches (in 3.8.1rc4) to replace /rt/
> with __WebPath__/ , as suggested by jibsheet in IRC. Here are the
> steps I'm taking:
> - Log into RT as the root user.
> - From the home screen, click Edit for All New & Open Tickets)
> - Click SavedSearch (in "You can also edit the predefined search
> itself: SavedSearch")
> - Click Advanced
> - in the lower textfield, change /rt/ to __WebPath__/   (screenshot: 
> http://skitch.com/grahamb/ujri/edit-query)
> - click Apply
> - click Update
> - click Update format and Search
> RT performs the search and the links are correct; they point to 
> http://hostname:8081/Ticket/Display.html?Action=Take&id=11094
> However... when I go back to the home screen, the links in New & Open
> Tickets still refer to
> http:/hostname:8081/rt/Ticket/Display.html?Action=Take&id=10857  <---
> note the /rt/ is still there
> To compound matters, I logged in as my regular user, which has a user-
> saved search in addition to the system-saved All New & Open on the
> dashboard. I was able to update the user-saved search with
> __WebPath__/ and the changes are reflected on the home page.
> So, why aren't the changes being reflected for the system-saved
> searches?
> I have:
> - cleared the browser cache & cookies
> - cleared the mason cache and restarted apache
> There's nothing in the RT or apache logs to indicate any problem and
> everything else seems to be OK.
> Is it possible to change these saved searches directly in the  
> database?
> Thanks,
> Graham.
> -------------
> Specs (for both the existing 3.6.3 and 3.8.1 installs; they're on the
> same machine in different Solaris zones and different apache  
> instances):
> Solaris 10 (SPARC)
> Apache 2.0.55 w/ FastCGI
> Perl 5.8.8
> mysql 5.0.41
> My upgrade path:
> - Stop the 3.6.3 install
> - Dump the database
> - Install 3.8.1rc4 into a new directory
> - Set up RT_SiteConfig.pm
> - Import the database
> - Upgrade the database with rt-setup-database --action upgrade
> The above steps all complete successfully.
> -- 
> Graham Ballantyne
> Institutional, Collaborative & Academic Technologies
> IT Services
> Simon Fraser University
> Burnaby, BC  V5A 1S6
> p: 778-782-2014
> www.sfu.ca/icat
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Graham Ballantyne

Institutional, Collaborative & Academic Technologies
IT Services

Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC  V5A 1S6
p: 778-782-2014


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