On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Nehmer Torben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
>>>> Dashboard, Queue and Ticket. Should it be translated or should it be
>>>> like it is?
>> My experience is that it makes it easier not to translate Queue and
>> Ticket. I myself find it very confusing to explain anything to my
>> RT-Users about Stapel and not Queue. So, at least stay with Queue and
>> Ticket. Since I don't know what the Dashboard in RT is, just leave it...
> What I would find *most* useful in the translation is keeping the Rights in 
> their original English value. It is an administrative nightmare trying to 
> manipulate rights in the German translation.
> For example, "Take Ticket" and "Steal Ticket" are indistinguishable in the 
> German translation (both "Ticket übernehmen") and the sorting of the right 
> fields is based on the English locale.

Sorting by English variant is a bug and it's a nightmare for all
translations. I've created a bug report
(http://rt3.fsck.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=12343), if somebody
provide us a patch that would be great, shouldn't be hard.

> As for things like "Queue" or "Dashboard" I would find a *sensible* 
> translation quite useful. The general 3.6 translation is not bad in that 
> part, except that it has still a few errors. "[time] left" is translated as 
> the direction left (as in move to the left) instead of its original temporal 
> meaning. But these are a few minor concerns.
> As for Dashboard I'd recommend something like "Arbeitsplätze" or 
> "Übersichten" (note the plural). The literal translation ("Armaturenbrett / 
> Instrumententafel") of dashboard is not ideal. The words are only used in the 
> context of real dashboards (as in a car or an airplane).

In russian translation we used "information panel" as the most close
description of Dashboards.

> In total I find a sensible translation very helpful to the non-English 
> speakers I am working here. The important part is that it needs to be 
> sensible, and not just passing everything through an translation. The 
> original translator definitely did not check his translation in the web site.
> Naturally, any translation will both increase the bulk of the UI and 
> introduce a bit of ambiguity. One cannot avoid this when translating, you can 
> just try to minimize it.
> The problem mentioned here is true for the technically adept. Those people 
> (like myself, to be true) who prefer the original compact English UI. But 
> this holds true only for the real IT power users. They can always keep the 
> English UI active.
> The more average people you have, the less their English skills are, the more 
> problems you introduce by keeping the UI partly English. It is very important 
> for them to have a clear translated UI. Only very domain specific phrases 
> should be kept in English. Something like "Queue" with its real IT meaning 
> isn't well known. Most people, when reading it, will rather think of a 
> Billard Queue.
> The same holds true for "Dashboard". Go out and ask a couple of Users what 
> they would expect of a menu item called like that in a ticket system. Then 
> ask then what they would expect from "Arbeitsplätze" or "Übersichten" instead.
> Unfortunalety, I have no idea how to update the translations. Also I don't 
> know if the German translation is still maintained. If not, I might actually 
> volunteer to help a bit here, if I can get some advise how the string tables 
> are updated.

No string tables, it's just a file lib/RT/I18N/de.po and `make
regenerate-catalogs` make target you can use to fresh all files with
new strings from the source.

> Yours,
> Torben Nehmer

Best regards, Ruslan.

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