i'm so sorry kenn! lol

i must have completely missed that. you're officially also credited for 
answering my question :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Crocker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 3:55 PM
To: Gabriel Cadieux
Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] assigning tickets


        My third sentence reads, "By default, RT will display on the Owner drop 
down any and all members of any group that has the "OwnTicket" right.". 
I guess it was easy to miss among all that other junk I wrote. Sorry.


On 10/30/2008 6:12 AM, Gabriel Cadieux wrote:
> Kenn,
> In our configuration using 3.6.7, there are only two users besides root,
> myself and my co-worker, and we are both set to SuperUser priviledges.
> We will be the only ones using this system, so there is no need to start
> going all crazy with applying the proper permissions etc... (there will
> be read-only users added later, but i will make a group for them and set
> permissions when the time comes). The problem I am experiencing is that
> nobody (not even root) can ASSIGN a ticket to another user. The only user
> available to assign to is "Nobody", and on top of that, this creates another
> problem where any page I go to when editing a ticket that mentions the owner
> gets set back to "Nobody" from the current owner due to this. I don't 
> understand
> how even the root user could not be allowed to assign a ticket to someone 
> else..
> doesn't SuperUser encompass all other permissions as well, including those
> necessary to change ticket ownership (not just own/take/steal tickets)?
> Thanks,
> -gabe
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kenneth Crocker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 4:26 PM
> To: Gabriel Cadieux
> Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] assigning tickets
> Gabriel,
>       This is accomplished using privileges and groups. You could also grant 
> individual Users the right to own tickets in a queue, but that would be 
> a maintenance nightmare. By default, RT will display on the Owner drop 
> down any and all members of any group that has the "OwnTicket" right. If 
> they have "TakeTicket, along with "SeeQueue", then they would be able to 
> see tickets in a queue and TAKE any ticket that wasn't already owned. If 
> they do NOT have "OwnTicket" for a queue, then granting the 
> "StealTicket" would not work. They cannot steal something they are not 
> allowed to own. So, to make this simple, find out what groups have 
> rights to the queue in question, and make sure they have the appropriate 
> rights AND make sure the user you want to own tickets is in one of those 
> groups. Hope this helps.
> Kenn
> On 10/29/2008 10:10 AM, Gabriel Cadieux wrote:
>> hi list,
>> why is it that i can't seem to be able to assign tickets to other people,
>> even when i own them? when i see the main ticket display, it shows my user
>> as the owner, for example, after taking it... then in the "People" tab,
>> only "Nobody" appears in the list of people to set the owner to.. i don't
>> want to have to have the person i want the ticket assigned to to have to 
>> login
>> and "steal" the ticket in order to have it assigned to them, i want to be 
>> able
>> to force them to own it, like it should be...
>> i can't do this as anyone.. not even root, or a user that has superuser 
>> priviledges...
>> rt 3.6.7..
>> i don't get it :(
>> -gabe
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