>>>>> "Jesse" == Jesse Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    >> How hard would it be to add a "move to another ticket" option to
    >> each transaction?  Maybe one that's only available on the
    >> "History" page, rather than in the normal view?  Or maybe just a
    >> new permission to enable it?  I know I've seen requests for this
    >> sort of thing before, but I've never really thought about the
    >> implications.

    Jesse> That violates part of RT's central "history is immutable"
    Jesse> philosophy. At a code level, it should be pretty straight
    Jesse> forward, but it's unlikely to ever be accepted in the core.

  So, make it "copy", and let the original copy be marked up as having
been moved, but not remove it.

Michael Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Director -- Consumer Desktop Development, Simtone Corporation, Ottawa, Canada
Personal: http://www.sandelman.ca/mcr/ 

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