On Fri, 11 Sep 2009, Jerrad Pierce wrote:

I haven't touched that file (lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm, by the way).  The
problem with having two names is that Joe Bloggs's account is "jbloggs".
When Joe emails in a trouble ticket, RT attempts to make a new account
That's because your users are not configured properly. Set the user jbloggs'
email address to jblo...@foo.com and RT will do the right thing and recognize
the message as being from jbloggs. There's no need to have two accounts.

This permits, for instance, RT receive email on behalf of root from
blar...@example.com. Username and email address need have no
substring relationship as long as RT knows of both.

I see.  This leads me to another question: How do I delete a user?

David Griffith

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