Is there a way to limit one of the default scrips to not to act on a
queue? There are two default scrips that act on ticket creation.  #4 and
#5.  At least I think they are defaults as I don't remember creating
these since they don't have a description.  I would like to disable one
of them as it is redundant.

Also along those lines if you want a global script to work for all
queues except maybe a few is there a way to add that condition? 

All pointers to the Wiki or docs will be accepted.

I am using RT 3.6.6


John J. Boris, Sr.
JEN-A-SyS Administrator
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
"Remember! That light at the end of the tunnel
Just might be the headlight of an oncoming train!"
RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

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