
Yes, it is possible. Currently, when you click the "Create" button to create
a child ticket, RT automatically puts the Queue from the parent ticket as
the Queue where the child ticket will be created. That's a problem and I'm
sure in 3.10, they will allow a manual override similar to the owner,
requestor, etc. However, in the meantime, you can get around this problem.

First, Create a Custom Field called, let's say, "Child Queue". Set this CF
as "Enter one value". Apply this CF to whatever Queues need this function
(you may have Queues that are for maintenance only and don't have children
tickets). When a user creates that child, they set the CF value to the name
or ID of that Queue (you could have a list of all possible Queues and they
could select from that list as well).

Second, you create a scrip for these same Queues that looks at the CF value
and based on that value, changes the Queue to the value set in that CF.

This works, as I've done for some of our Queues where someone sent in an
email to the wrong Queue and we intercept that email, evaluate the "From"
address and re-direct that ticket to a different Queue.

Hope this helps.


On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 5:55 AM, Ciancetta, Barbara J. <>wrote:

>  Using RT 3.8.7 and trying to configure so that it will support the
> following workflow:
> Need:
> Team A create tickets for team B to take action
> Keep team B’s access restricted to just those tickets that team opened for
> their action
> Keep statistics for Team A clean (i.e. number of tickets in Team A queue)
> Seems a good approach to this would be team A (in their queue) creating a
> child ticket but assigning it to team B’s queue.  My interpretation of the
> following statement from article (
> seems to indicate that may be
> possible.
> “The Queue is the queue in which the new ticket is created*. At the
> moment, we've elected to create them in the same queue as the parent ticket,
> but it may make more sense to create them in other queues*. The Parent
> link will keep everything tied together if you do.”
> However trying to create a child ticket and assign it to a separate queue
> in our dev environment doesn’t seem possible.  Does anyone know if this is
> possible?  Please help.
> RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
> Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!
RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

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