On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 11:31 PM, Kris Germann <kris_germ...@295.ca> wrote:

> Also make sure you have RT-Attach-Message: yes and
> {$Transaction->Content()} set.

Yes same as below.

Content-Type: text/html
RT-Attach-Message: Yes


> This is because it is only set up to ‘notify’ – Same thing here when I give
> a ticket to a user I receive (Notify) an email:

I am not doing this...it happens during normal correspondence when any of
requestor send attachment.

Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 1969: Request TicketID was acted upon.
> Transaction: Given to User1 by User2
>        Queue: QueueName
>      Subject: Subject
>        Owner: User
>   Requestors: Requestor Email
>       Status: Status
> Ticket <URL: URL>
> This transaction appears to have no content
> Or is this not what you are doing…

Yes this is not i am doing.

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