Yes I wish I could get some help we ended up just using a custom field
both to link the Vtiger customer and RT ticket together it is kind of a
pain but we did make links at least. We chose not to pay to have the link
down mainly because our other systems are already linked into vtiger with
some java code so we live with it as is. We are looking at some java code
to link rt into vtiger but not vtiger into rt.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:48 PM
Subject: [rt-users] RT and Vtiger integration redux

I see that someone asked about integrating RT with VTiger (CRM) back
in 2007, but it looks like there was never a response, as far as I can

My company uses VTiger and, uhh, it has issues. I've used RT at
previous jobs and always been happy with it, as have some of the
others here. Now that RT4 has been released, I'm thinking this could
be a good time for us to look into using it as a supplement to or
replacement for the existing ticketing system in VTiger.

(Better still, if RT4 can credibly be used as a CRM 裏customer
database, inventory of customer systems & configurations, that kind of
thing 裏then that would be even better.)

Has anyone tried this sort of thing? If it helps, I live down the
street from Best Practical Global HQ, so maybe an in-person discussion
would make sense :-)

Thanks, and congratulations on RT4 :-)

Chris Devers

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