----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jesse Vincent" <je...@bestpractical.com>
> >I saw no evidence that RT4 had added anything that resembled a
> >customer
> >
> >file, and -- given the *violent* antipathy on BestPractical's part to
> >that
> >idea, dating back to 3.2 -- I really didn't expect it.
> >
> I'm not quite sure what you're referring to. I'd love for RT to have
> the functionality.

Ok, I've just gone back and asked The Google, and I've *slightly* over-
characterized BP's distaste for the idea; my apologies:


That amounts more to "ok, that's not a bad idea, but we're not all
that interested in investing any effort into doing it unless people
are paying."

As I pointed out somewhere along the way, that limits your audience to
internal departments, where this sort of "make sure you notify the 
requestor's supervisor on all tickets automatically" and "has someone 
else in that department/customer/administrative span of control already
reported the same problem" are less necessary; small businesses with 
"customers" who might be potential customers won't -- generally -- even
bother to complain that RT doesn't have that; you're just not in their
evaluation criteria at all.

I've always been fine with that -- you give it away for free, you're
perfectly entitled to decide on what you think your feature set is going
to be.  I'm just telling you -- as I always have -- that this puts you
in Jerry Pournelle's famous category of "infuriatingly excellent"; the
package has always been good enough to really irritate those for whom
(like me), that design blindspot knocks you right out of the picture.

But you're correct: "violent antipathy" is an overstatment.  Please allow
me to correct it to "violent apathy", with my apologies.  :-)

-- jra

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