
        From: Joshua Knarr [mailto:kna...@gsicommerce.com] 
        Oh, I misread that as "I'm trying to run these in parallel". 
        What version are you upgrading from? 

Oh, gotcha.  It was 3.8.8.  I dumped the old DB (and I guess if all else fails 
can restore that and go back using the 3.8 install), ran the upgrade script, 
and watched it tell me about 3.8.9, 3.9, etc, as they were applied.  
On Wed, 2011-05-11 at 11:57 -0400, Rob Munsch wrote:



                        You know there's a bunch of schema changes between 4 
and 3, right? :)
                        If you pointed RT4 software at the RT3 database, the 
upgrade process changes the schema.

                Well, yes; part of the process is running the upgrade scripts 
on the database, which was done, and seemed to complete successfully.  
Essentially it was a new install of RT4 into its own directory, as per 
instructions, giving it the rt3 db name, user, and password; the upgrade script 
was run against the RT3 database; then the Apache conf of the site was altered 
to make the RT hostname point to the rt4 docroot instead of rt3.  This seems to 
match the docs, yet going to the site gets a 4.0.0 web page with "Hi! No 
database! Tee hee." 

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