
Logs should contain more precise error messages. Also, it may be
difference in Database* options. However, you say that schema upgrade
went well, so it sure connects to some DB.

Use mysql client, check list of DBs, check tables, for example rt4
comes with articles table that was not in RT3.8, check rights in

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 6:29 PM, Rob Munsch <mun...@phillycarshare.org> wrote:
> Sorry, List: I’ve read the various docs and worked on this a few days, but…
> I’ve installed rt4 next to my rt3, and specified use of the rt3 database,
> with the same username and password.  However, going to rt.domain.com now
> shows me the “Hey congrats, you’ve a new RT install!  Let’s set up the
> database!”
> On the commandline, the rt_user can connect to mysql with the password I’ve
> specified.  I’ve checked the config files and the correct username and mysql
> password are there.  I’ve followed, I thought, the updated apache
> instructions (and I do seem to be hitting /opt/rt4/ and not /opt/rt3/).  I’m
> stumped.  Is this a symptom of a common mistake, or I have done something
> strange?
> Thanks…
> ------------------------
> Rob Munsch
> IT Administrator
> PhillyCarShare
> 215-495-1040 x131
> www.phillycarshare.org
> Our Vision: A Philadelphia in which non-profit car sharing exceeds the
> convenience, flexibility, and affordability of car ownership.

Best regards, Ruslan.

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