On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 05:00:14PM -0400, William F. Dudley Jr. wrote:
> On 09/12/2011 03:20 PM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> >On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 02:27:23PM -0400, William F. Dudley Jr. wrote:
> >>
> >>We want new tickets to generate an email to the submitter (who can be
> >>a random email account) as well as to the normal team.
> >>
> >>In Tools ->  Global ->  Scrips we have:
> >>
> >>(script 16) 
> >>Descrition: On Create
> >>Stage:      TransactionCreate
> >>Condition:  On Create
> >>Action:     Notify Requestors and Ccs
> >>Template:   Autoreply
> >>
> >>New ticket announcements go to the team but not to the submitter.
> >>
> >>What are we missing here?
> >
> >RT ships with an On Create Autoreply to Requestors scrip
> >Did you disable that?  I suspect you're running afoul of $NotifyActor
> >while testing with your Scrip.
> I have enabled AutoReply to the requestors for "on Create" and it
> only sends to the requestor but not the CC watchers. I have confirmed
> that the cc watchers user permissions (under global user rights) all
> have permission to "sign up as a ticket requestor or ticket or queue Cc"
> Also I have tried setting the action for On Create to "Notify
> Requestors and CC's as Comment" and it has the opposite effect, it
> sends to the CC watchers but not the requestor . However when On
> Resolve is set to "Notify Requestors and CC's as Comment" and a
> ticket is resolved it sends to both the requestors and CC watchers.
> So why doesn’t that same action work for On create but does for On resolve?

You really don't want to send As Comment to people who are not staff.

As I mentioned in the first email, I suspect you're not getting mail
to the Requestor because of your NotifyActor setting.

After checking your NotifyActor setting, you may need to step back and
tell us what you're trying to achieve.


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