OK - I thought that *make upgrade-database* covered those - it suggested it was doing all those incremental updates. It asked from which version I was update from/to and showed each step as doing something. What is it's purpose then?

Do I have to still do each one manually from 3.8.4 then?

Paul O'Rorke

On 07/31/2013 11:59 AM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 10:24:29AM -0700, Paul O'Rorke wrote:
                   Password: !sha512!8MzDJesb8kr4UHIA!784B/mzwvLcUEEa
        `Password` varbinary(40) DEFAULT NULL,
These are 3.8 versions of that table, not 4.0 versions.
Did you run all of the database upgrade steps?  This was step 4.0.0rc4.
There are many other schema changes.

This will absolutely prevent you from logging in.


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