On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 09:57:03AM +0000, Zawada Łukasz wrote:
>    I've rt 3.8.8.
>    My problem is that i can't create ticket with my own template.
>    On one queue  i set template (create_ticet_from_template). Template of 
> course have a body.
>    And script:
>    - condiion: on create
>    - action: create tickets
>    - templete: create_ticket_from_template
>    - stage: transactioncreate
>    But when click "new ticket" in that queue nothing in "describe the issue 
> below" is appear.

A Scrip runs after you create your ticket, it isn't a way to add a
template to the Message Box on Ticket Creation.

People often accomplish what you want with either a small Callback in
the MessageBox or linking that callback to Articles to auto-preload an


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