On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 08:35:04PM +0000, Daniel Schwager wrote:
> in short: Is it possible to grant SeeCustomField-rights for one CF dependent 
> on a queue ?

Assuming from your description that Summary is applied to TheirQueue
and InternalQueue, you can either grant SeeCustomField at the
CustomField level, which will display that CF in both Queues, or you
can grant SeeCustomField on the whole TheirQueue level, but not on
InternalQueue.  This means they would see every CF Applied to
TheirQueue, and none applied to InternalQueue.

Granting rights at the CF level means you get those rights anywhere
the CF appears.

Granting rights at the Queue level means you get those rights on all
the CFs applied to that Queue.

If you need to do per-CF permissions because you use a lot of CFs, you
will likely need to create two CFs, each named Summary, and apply on
to TheirQueue and one to InternalQueue.  This can be confusing if you
transition tickets between those queues.


> Long: We have some (external, customer) privileged users working with their 
> queue.
> Also, we have a ticket CF named "Summary". In their queue, the users are able 
> to see/modify this CF.
> Beside of this, our privileged user can also create tickets in other internal 
> queues. 
> I grant them the ShowTicket-right. Fine.
> But they have also access/see the Summary-CF from tickets located in our 
> internal queue - this is not fine.
> Is it possible (for CF Summary) to
> - grant SeeCustomField-right to our privileged users concerning tickets 
> located in their queue but
> - not grant SeeCustomField-right to tickets located in other queues?
> regards
> Danny

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