
After turning the debugging, I captured this from the log:

[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:21 2015] [debug]: Converting 'utf-8' to 'utf-8' for 
text/html - Subjectless message (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/I18N.pm:295)
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:21 2015] [debug]: Converting 'utf-8' to 'utf-8' for 
text/html - Subjectless message (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/I18N.pm:295)
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:21 2015] [debug]: About to prepare scrips for 
transaction #8404 (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Transaction.pm:187)
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:21 2015] [debug]: Found 0 scrips for TransactionCreate 
stage with applicable type(s) Correspond for txn #8404 on ticket #621 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:21 2015] [debug]: About to commit scrips for 
transaction #8404 (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Transaction.pm:210)
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:21 2015] [debug]: Found 0 scrips for TransactionBatch 
stage with applicable type(s) Correspond for txn #8404 on ticket #621 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4484 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4486 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4488 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4490 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4492 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4495 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4497 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4499 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4504 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4506 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4508 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4510 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4512 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4514 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4516 of 
'text/html' type 
[1426] [Tue Aug 25 16:41:22 2015] [debug]: Rendering attachment #4518 of 
'text/html' type 

It says it didn't find a script for transaction batch and for transaction 
create...  Makes me wonder if I'm missing a package?

Here is what aptitude says I have installed (and what's available):

p   rt-app                          - Test application which simulates a real-ti
p   rt-tests                        - Test programs for rt kernels              
i   rt4-apache2                     - Apache 2 specific files for request-tracke
i A rt4-clients                     - mail gateway and command-line interface to
i   rt4-db-mysql                    - MySQL database backend for request-tracker
p   rt4-db-postgresql               - PostgreSQL database backend for request-tr
p   rt4-db-sqlite                   - SQLite database backend for request-tracke
p   rt4-doc-html                    - HTML documentation for request-tracker4   
i   rt4-extension-authenexternalaut - External authentication module for request
p   rt4-extension-calendar          - Calendar view for Request Tracker 4       
p   rt4-extension-customfieldsonupd - edit ticket's custom fields on reply/comme
p   rt4-extension-jsgantt           - Gantt charts for Request Tracker          
p   rt4-extension-spawnlinkedticket - quickly spawn linked tickets in different 
p   rt4-fcgi                        - External FastCGI support for request-track
p   rt4-standalone                  - Standalone web server support for request-

I thank you.

From: rt-users <rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com> on behalf of Ditri, 
Chris <cdi...@experi-metal.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 12:26 PM
To: Matt Zagrabelny
Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] No outbound email after upgrade

HI Again,

Yes, I'm using debian.  No, I haven't put it in my RT_SiteConfig.d directory 
because I don't want to lose track of the settings.  When the config is good, I 
will move them into the appropriate file and re-execute my update 
update-rt-siteconfig-4.  I'm trying to keep the debris out of my configs.  It 
only reads RT_SiteConfig.pm, so I don't see any harm in this strategy.

I have set the logging on, thank you for that... lets hope it dumps some useful 

Thanks again.

From: Matt Zagrabelny <mzagr...@d.umn.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:13 AM
To: Ditri, Chris
Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] No outbound email after upgrade

On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 10:00 AM, Ditri, Chris <cdi...@experi-metal.com> wrote:
> Hi Matt, and thanks for your response.
> I have tried this.  It still produces nothing.  Here is what I added to my 
> RT_SiteConfig.pm:
> Set($MailCommand, "mbox");
> Set($SendmailPath, "/usr/lib/sendmail");
> Set($SendmailArguments, "-t");
> Set($OwnerEmail, "m...@workplace.com");
> I have also tried:
> Set($MailCommand, "sendmailpipe");
> Set($MailCommand, "smtp");
> Set($MailCommand, "sendmail");
> Set($MailCommand, "test");
> I do a '/etc/init.d/request-tracker4 restart' after each, and even try 
> rebooting.  No good.
> I'm sure I'm missing something silly here... but I just don't know what it 
> is...
> Any other suggestions?

It looks like you are using Debian. Are you using the SiteConfig.d
directory and running update-rt-siteconfig before restarting apache?

Other things you could try:

Set($LogStackTraces, 'debug');
Set($LogToSTDERR, 'debug');

then check the apache error log (/var/log/apache2/error.log)  for output.


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