Hi Kobus, this is installed :(

[root@rt install]# yum whatprovides "*/libjpeg.so"  
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: centos.excellmedia.net
 * epel: kartolo.sby.datautama.net.id
 * extras: centos.excellmedia.net
 * updates: centos.excellmedia.net
libjpeg-turbo-devel-1.2.1-3.el6_5.i686 : Headers for the libjpeg-turbo library
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/lib/libjpeg.so

1:java-1.6.0-openjdk- : OpenJDK Runtime 
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : 

libjpeg-turbo-devel-1.2.1-3.el6_5.x86_64 : Headers for the libjpeg-turbo library
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/lib64/libjpeg.so

1:java-1.6.0-openjdk- : OpenJDK Runtime 
Repo        : updates
Matched from:
Filename    : 

libjpeg-turbo-devel-1.2.1-3.el6_5.x86_64 : Headers for the libjpeg-turbo library
Repo        : installed
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/lib64/libjpeg.so

1:java-1.6.0-openjdk- : OpenJDK Runtime 
Repo        : installed
Matched from:
Filename    : 

Thanks and Regards

On Tue, 22/9/15, Kobus Bensch <kobus.ben...@trustpayglobal.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [rt-users] Installing GD components
 To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
 Date: Tuesday, 22 September, 2015, 15:06
     This is the problem
     # Error: Can't load 
 for module GD: libjpeg.so.9: cannot open shared object file:
 No such file or directory at
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.22.0/x86_64-linux/DynaLoader.pm line
 Particularly libjpeg.so.9: cannot open shared object file
 When I do sudo yum whatprovides "*/libjpeg.so" on
 centos6 I get a few options. If it was me, I would install
 libjpeg-turbo-devel-1.2.1-3.el6_5.x86_64 via yum, but this
 is also with the information I have at hand. Please proceed
 libjpeg-turbo-devel-1.2.1-3.el6_5.i686 : Headers for the
 libjpeg-turbo library
 Repo        : base
 Matched from:
 Filename    : /usr/lib/libjpeg.so
 1:java-1.6.0-openjdk- :
 OpenJDK Runtime Environment
 Repo        : base
 Matched from:
 Filename    :
 libjpeg-turbo-devel-1.2.1-3.el6_5.x86_64 : Headers for the
 libjpeg-turbo library
 Repo        : base
 Matched from:
 Filename    : /usr/lib64/libjpeg.so
 1:java-1.6.0-openjdk- :
 OpenJDK Runtime Environment
 Repo        : updates
 Matched from:
 Filename    :
 1:java-1.6.0-openjdk- :
 OpenJDK Runtime Environment
 Repo        : installed
 Matched from:
 Filename    :
     On 21/09/2015 16:44,
 Asanka Gunasekera
       Hi Kobus below is the output
 [root@rt rt-4.2.12]# perl -MCPAN -e'install
 Reading '/root/.cpan/Metadata'
 Database was generated on Mon, 21 Sep 2015 03:53:40 GMT
 Running install for module 'GD'
 Checksum for
 /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/L/LD/LDS/GD-2.56.tar.gz ok
 Configuring L/LD/LDS/GD-2.56.tar.gz with Build.PL
 Configuring for libgd version 2.0.34.
 Checking for stray libgd header files...none found.
 GD library used from: /usr
 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
 Creating new 'Build' script for 'GD' version
 /usr/local/bin/perl Build.PL -- OK
 Running Build for L/LD/LDS/GD-2.56.tar.gz
 Building GD
 Extracting Image.pm (with variable substitutions)
 cc -I/usr/include
 -DVERSION="2.56" -DXS_VERSION="2.56"
 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector
 -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
 -O2 -o lib/GD.o lib/GD.c
 cc -shared -O2 -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector -o
 blib/arch/auto/GD/GD.so lib/GD.o -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/lib64
 -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/lib64 -lXpm -lX11 -ljpeg -lfontconfig
 -lfreetype -lpng12 -lz -lm -lgd
 ./Build -- OK
 Running Build test
 t/GD.t ........ 1/11 
 # Failed test 'use GD;'
 # at t/GD.t line 14.
 # Tried to use 'GD'.
 # Error: Can't load
 for module GD: libjpeg.so.9: cannot open shared object file:
 No such file or directory at
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.22.0/x86_64-linux/DynaLoader.pm line
 # at t/GD.t line 14.
 # Compilation failed in require at t/GD.t line 14.
 # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/GD.t line 14.
 # Failed test 'use GD::Simple;'
 # at t/GD.t line 15.
 # Tried to use 'GD::Simple'.
 # Error: Attempt to reload GD.pm aborted.
 # Compilation failed in require at
 line 160.
 # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
 line 160.
 # Compilation failed in require at t/GD.t line 15.
 # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/GD.t line 15.
 # Testing using gd2 support.
 # Failed test 'unable to generate comparison image for
 test 1: Can't locate object method "_new" via
 package "GD::Image" at
 line 83.
 # '
 # at t/GD.t line 246.
 # Failed test 'unable to generate comparison image for
 test 2: Can't locate object method "_new" via
 package "GD::Image" at
 line 83.
 # '
 # at t/GD.t line 246.
 # Failed test 'unable to generate comparison image for
 test 3: Can't locate object method "_new" via
 package "GD::Image" at
 line 83.
 # '
 # at t/GD.t line 246.
 # Failed test 'unable to generate comparison image for
 test 4: Can't locate object method "_new" via
 package "GD::Image" at
 line 83.
 # '
 # at t/GD.t line 246.
 # Failed test 'unable to generate comparison image for
 test 5: Can't locate object method "_new" via
 package "GD::Image" at
 line 83.
 # '
 # at t/GD.t line 246.
 # Failed test 'unable to generate comparison image for
 test 6: Can't locate object method "_new" via
 package "GD::Image" at
 line 83.
 # '
 # at t/GD.t line 246.
 # Failed test 'unable to generate comparison image for
 test 7: Can't locate object method "_new" via
 package "GD::Image" at
 line 83.
 # '
 # at t/GD.t line 246.
 Can't locate object method "_new" via package
 "GD::Image" at
 line 83.
 # Looks like you planned 11 tests but ran 9.
 # Looks like you failed 9 tests of 9 run.
 # Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 9.
 t/GD.t ........ Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280,
 Failed 11/11 subtests 
 t/Polyline.t .. Can't load
 for module GD: libjpeg.so.9: cannot open shared object file:
 No such file or directory at
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.22.0/x86_64-linux/DynaLoader.pm line
 at /root/.cpan/build/GD-2.56-1_9WTm/blib/lib/GD/Polyline.pm
 line 45.
 Compilation failed in require at
 line 45.
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
 line 45.
 Compilation failed in require at t/Polyline.t line 10.
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/Polyline.t line 10.
 t/Polyline.t .. Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
 Failed 1/1 subtests 
 Test Summary Report
 t/GD.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 9 Failed: 9)
 Failed tests: 1-9
 Non-zero exit status: 255
 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 11 tests but ran 9.
 t/Polyline.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
 Non-zero exit status: 2
 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 1 tests but ran 0.
 Files=2, Tests=9, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.04 sys +
 0.14 cusr 0.04 csys = 0.27 CPU)
 Result: FAIL
 Failed 2/2 test programs. 9/9 subtests failed.
 ./Build test -- NOT OK
 //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this
 module, try:
 reports LDS/GD-2.56.tar.gz
 [root@rt rt-4.2.12]# 
 Thanks and Regards
 On Mon, 21/9/15, Kobus Bensch <kobus.ben...@trustpayglobal.com>
  Subject: Re: [rt-users] Installing GD components
  To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
  Date: Monday, 21 September, 2015, 17:09
      What happens when you try to install the module
  using CPAN?
      Whats the output from that?
      On 21/09/2015 12:03,
  Asanka Gunasekera
        Hi Kobus, thanks for the reply I have installed
  some packages regarding to gd-devel, zlib.x86_64, zlib,
  freetype.x86_64, libgd and gdlib-config and below is the
  full output
  [root@rt rt-4.2.12]# make testdeps
  /usr/local/bin/perl ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies --verbose
  --with-Oracle --with-fastcgi
          >=5.10.1(5.22.0) ...found
          rt group (apache) ...found
          bin owner (root) ...found
          libs owner (root) ...found
          libs group (bin) ...found
          web owner (apache) ...found
          web group (apache) ...found
  CLI dependencies:
          HTTP::Request::Common ...found
          Text::ParseWords ...found
          LWP ...found
          Term::ReadLine ...found
          Getopt::Long >= 2.24 ...found
          Term::ReadKey ...found
  CORE dependencies:
          CGI >= 4 ...found
          HTML::Quoted ...found
          Log::Dispatch >= 2.30 ...found
          DateTime::Format::Natural >= 0.67 ...found
          Digest::base ...found
          File::Spec >= 0.8 ...found
          Email::Address::List >= 0.02 ...found
          Plack::Handler::Starlet ...found
          DBI >= 1.37 ...found
          Text::WikiFormat >= 0.76 ...found
          MIME::Entity >= 5.504 ...found
          Devel::GlobalDestruction ...found
          Digest::SHA ...found
          Regexp::Common ...found
          Text::Wrapper ...found
          Date::Extract >= 0.02 ...found
          Class::Accessor::Fast ...found
          LWP::Simple ...found
          HTML::RewriteAttributes >= 0.05 ...found
          Locale::Maketext >= 1.06 ...found
          Errno ...found
          Symbol::Global::Name >= 0.05 ...found
          Storable >= 2.08 ...found
          File::Glob ...found
          File::Temp >= 0.19 ...found
          Text::Password::Pronounceable ...found
          DBIx::SearchBuilder >= 1.65 ...found
          Net::CIDR ...found
          HTML::Mason >= 1.43 ...found
          Scalar::Util ...found
          Mail::Mailer >= 1.57 ...found
          DateTime::Locale >= 0.40 ...found
          Devel::StackTrace >= 1.19 ...found
          Crypt::Eksblowfish ...found
          CSS::Squish >= 0.06 ...found
          IPC::Run3 ...found
          Digest::MD5 >= 2.27 ...found
          Data::GUID ...found
          Sys::Syslog >= 0.16 ...found
          CGI::Emulate::PSGI ...found
          Regexp::IPv6 ...found
          CGI::PSGI >= 0.12 ...found
          UNIVERSAL::require ...found
          Module::Versions::Report >= 1.05 ...found
          HTTP::Message >= 6.0 ...found
          Apache::Session >= 1.53 ...found
          HTML::Scrubber >= 0.08 ...found
          Mail::Header >= 2.12 ...found
          Text::Template >= 1.44 ...found
          CGI::Cookie >= 1.20 ...found
          Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy >= 0.11 ...found
          Plack >= 1.0002 ...found
          Time::HiRes ...found
          HTML::FormatText::WithLinks >= 0.14 ...found
          HTML::FormatText::WithLinks::AndTables ...found
          HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler >= 0.52 ...found
          Email::Address >= 1.897 ...found
          Tree::Simple >= 1.04 ...found
          List::MoreUtils ...found
          HTML::Entities ...found
          File::ShareDir ...found
          Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >= 0.32 ...found
          DateTime >= 0.44 ...found
          Role::Basic >= 0.12 ...found
          Time::ParseDate ...found
          Regexp::Common::net::CIDR ...found
          Encode >= 2.64 ...found
          Date::Manip ...found
          Module::Refresh >= 0.03 ...found
          JSON ...found
          Text::Quoted >= 2.07 ...found
          XML::RSS >= 1.05 ...found
  DASHBOARDS dependencies:
          URI::QueryParam ...found
          MIME::Types ...found
          URI >= 1.59 ...found
  FASTCGI dependencies:
          FCGI::ProcManager ...found
          FCGI >= 0.74 ...found
  GD dependencies:
          GD::Text ...MISSING
          GD::Graph >= 1.47 ...MISSING
          GD ...MISSING
  GPG dependencies:
          File::Which ...found
          GnuPG::Interface ...found
          PerlIO::eol ...found
  GRAPHVIZ dependencies:
          GraphViz ...found
          IPC::Run >= 0.90 ...found
  ICAL dependencies:
          Data::ICal ...found
  MAILGATE dependencies:
          Net::SSL ...found
          Mozilla::CA ...found
          Getopt::Long ...found
          Crypt::SSLeay ...found
          LWP::UserAgent >= 6.0 ...found
          Pod::Usage ...found
          LWP::Protocol::https ...found
  ORACLE dependencies:
          DBD::Oracle ...found
  SMIME dependencies:
          Crypt::X509 ...found
          File::Which ...found
          String::ShellQuote ...found
  USERLOGO dependencies:
          Convert::Color ...found
  GD missing dependencies:
          GD::Graph >= 1.47 ...MISSING
          GD::Text ...MISSING
          GD ...MISSING
  Perl library path for /usr/local/bin/perl:
  make: *** [testdeps] Error 1
  [root@rt rt-4.2.12]# 
  Thanks and Regards
  On Mon, 21/9/15, Kobus Bensch <kobus.ben...@trustpayglobal.com>
   Subject: Re: [rt-users] Installing GD components
   To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
   Date: Monday, 21 September, 2015, 16:56
       Paste some more error info. I had this error and the
   solution was in
       the detail. For me some GD system packages needed
       On 21/09/2015 11:39,
   Asanka Gunasekera
         Hi All, I am trying to install RT rt-4.2.12 on
   CentOS 6.5 (64 bit)  configuration goes with out any issue
   but when I try to do a make testdeps it gives me below
   GD missing dependencies:
           GD::Graph >= 1.47 ...MISSING
           GD ...MISSING
           GD::Text ...MISSING
   and when I try to install GD components I am getting below
   error, can some one tell me how to overcome this
   I am doing below to install GD
   perl -MCPAN -e'install "GD"'
   est Summary Report
   t/GD.t      (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 9 Failed: 9)
     Failed tests:  1-9
     Non-zero exit status: 255
     Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 11 tests but ran 9.
   t/Polyline.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
     Non-zero exit status: 2
     Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 1 tests but ran 0.
   Files=2, Tests=9,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr  0.05 sys +
   0.12 cusr  0.06 csys =  0.28 CPU)
   Result: FAIL
   Failed 2/2 test programs. 9/9 subtests failed.
     ./Build test -- NOT OK
   //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing
   module, try:
     reports LDS/GD-2.56.tar.gz
   How can I over come above situation?
   Can I by pass force installation?
   Will there be any issue?
   Thanks and Best Regards
         Kobus Bensch Trustpay Global
   LTD email signature
         Kobus Bensch
         Senior Systems Administrator
         Address:  22 & 24 | Frederick Sanger Road |
   Guildford | Surrey
         | GU2 7YD
         DDI:  0207 871 3958
         Tel:  0207 871 3890
         Email:  kobus.ben...@trustpayglobal.com
   Trustpay Global Limited is an
   authorised Electronic Money Institution regulated by the
   Financial Conduct Authority registration number 900043.
   Company No 07427913 Registered in England and Wales with
   registered address 130 Wood Street, London, EC2V 6DL,
   Kingdom.For further details please visit our
   website at www.trustpayglobal.com.The
  information in this email and
   any attachments are confidential and remain the property
   Trustpay Global Ltd unless agreed by contract. It is
   intended solely for the person to whom or the entity to
   which it is addressed. If you are not the intended
   you may not use, disclose, copy, distribute, print or rely
   on the content of this email or its attachments. If this
   email has been received by you in error please advise the
   sender and delete the email from your system. Trustpay
   Global Ltd does not accept any liability for any personal
   view expressed in this
        Kobus Bensch Trustpay Global
  LTD email signature
        Kobus Bensch
        Senior Systems Administrator
        Address:  22 & 24 | Frederick Sanger Road |
  Guildford | Surrey
        | GU2 7YD
        DDI:  0207 871 3958
        Tel:  0207 871 3890
        Email:  kobus.ben...@trustpayglobal.com
  Trustpay Global Limited is an
  authorised Electronic Money Institution regulated by the
  Financial Conduct Authority registration number 900043.
  Company No 07427913 Registered in England and Wales with
  registered address 130 Wood Street, London, EC2V 6DL,
  Kingdom.For further details please visit our
  website at www.trustpayglobal.com.The
 information in this email and
  any attachments are confidential and remain the property of
  Trustpay Global Ltd unless agreed by contract. It is
  intended solely for the person to whom or the entity to
  which it is addressed. If you are not the intended
  you may not use, disclose, copy, distribute, print or rely
  on the content of this email or its attachments. If this
  email has been received by you in error please advise the
  sender and delete the email from your system. Trustpay
  Global Ltd does not accept any liability for any personal
  view expressed in this
       Kobus Bensch Trustpay Global
 LTD email signature
       Kobus Bensch
       Senior Systems Administrator
       Address:  22 & 24 | Frederick Sanger Road |
 Guildford | Surrey
       | GU2 7YD
       DDI:  0207 871 3958
       Tel:  0207 871 3890
       Email:  kobus.ben...@trustpayglobal.com
 Trustpay Global Limited is an
 authorised Electronic Money Institution regulated by the
 Financial Conduct Authority registration number 900043.
 Company No 07427913 Registered in England and Wales with
 registered address 130 Wood Street, London, EC2V 6DL, United
 Kingdom.For further details please visit our
 website at www.trustpayglobal.com.The information in this email and
 any attachments are confidential and remain the property of
 Trustpay Global Ltd unless agreed by contract. It is
 intended solely for the person to whom or the entity to
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 you may not use, disclose, copy, distribute, print or rely
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