The plugin seems to be enabled. I see it in the plugin variable, in the
html path list, the loaded configuration files, and so on. I think it's
doing its job, but what I'm hoping for isn't the problem it aims to solve.
Hopefully the basic interface preference in 4.4.x is closer to what I'm
being asked to provide, or it'll be source code time and I don't know Perl
or the template language used in RT at all. Should be a good time. :)

At least I now know where to customize the transaction types visible, and
was reminded that system configuration is a great place to see everything.
I updated the root in my web server after seeing that RT goes to
/usr/local/share/request-tracker4/html first, and I know where to check on
plugin files being loaded.

On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 3:29 PM, Kenneth Marshall <> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 05, 2016 at 09:20:06PM +0200, Joop wrote:
> > On 5-10-2016 14:33, Alex Hall wrote:
> > > Oh right, of course. Still not used to all the commands available, I
> > > guess. For anyone who is reading this and needs to locate the folder,
> > > I found it at
> > > /usr/local/share/request-tracker4/Plugins
> > > In there is a folder for this extension, and presumably others I
> > > install. In the extension's folder is etc, and in that is the
> > > configuration file.
> > >
> > > All that said, I don't see a difference between the RT with this
> > > plugin active and the one without it. Just as much extraneous detail
> > > seems to be on both pages. It looks like my only recourse now is to
> > > try the basic interface option.
> > >
> > Hmm, thats strange as I seem to remember that the only things being
> > shown is Create/Correspond/Comment. There is a user preference which can
> > add back all the transaction types available. Its in the Ticket Display
> > box at the end and that can be reached using the righthand menu
> > Settings/Preferences.
> > I'm thinking that the extension is not enabled. (See the menu
> > Admin/Tools/SystemConfiguration). I'm on RT-4.4.0
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Joop
> >
> Hi Joop,
> Alex is referring to the things like 'Brief headers -- Full headers' and
> 'Download (untitled) / with headers' links that adorn the updates.
> Regards,
> Ken
> ---------
> RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
> * Boston - October 24-26
> * Los Angeles - Q1 2017

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Boston - October 24-26
* Los Angeles - Q1 2017

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