Hi all,
We've just discovered something odd. It seems that all users can comment on
tickets, even though we've removed the "comment on tickets" right
everywhere we've found it--all groups, privileged users, everyone, etc. I
could simply remove the comment action from the actions list, but I'd
rather find out why the right revoking isn't doing what I thought.

Is there a way to search the RT database to see where this right is
enabled, to check that none of us (admins) missed it somewhere? Is there a
second right that might cause this action to appear, that isn't called
"comment on tickets"? Maybe we've just overlooked something seemingly not
important but that actually causes commenting to be granted?

To clarify my "search the database" question: I know SQL and how to query
the RT database. I just don't know which tables or columns to include, or
what value to look for. Thanks.

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day! 
* Los Angeles - January 9-11 2017

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