On 29/04/2014 12:34 am, Alan Cudmore wrote:

The FT2232H MiniMod is working so far! I am able to use the UART and at
the same time load and run images over the JTAG interface using OpenOCD.
Next, I plan on trying GDB. I will try to document the setup soon, but
it just requires ~10 jumper wires to connect the MiniMod to the Pi GPIO

The rtems-tester works well with OpenOCD and GDB. Please take a look at the recent BeagleBoard xM script Ben and I are currently using ...


It took us a while to get a stable way to force a full reset on the xM's ARM. It takes about 3 hours to run all 500 tests.

If you get a working configuration please send me a patch. Hard coded paths are ok at this stage of the rtems-test's development. I am yet to figure out a way to manage the host variations.

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