-- comments embedded --

On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 19:02:40 -0500 "Phillip L. Harbison" 
> > Iraq and N. Korea aren't going to be attacking us in a
> > conventional sense with ICBM's.
> North Korea supposedly has a missile that could reach the
> Alutien Islands.  They might melt a lot of ice and snow and
> kill some baby seals.  I'll let Greenpeace worry about that.
> Just as long as Russell's beer remains cold. :-)

It might reach the Aleutians with a favorable wind and if the stars are
in alignment.  Otherwise it is likely to take out the N. Korean launch

> > Let's spend that money on intelligence so we'll know what
> > they are planning."
> This guy is pretty smart for an aubie. :-)

Like I said: I felt compelled to call him and say "You were right."

Dos va donya,

bill evans
Hartselle, AL
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