Are you sure?  How do we know it won't be the Zow that
showed up for the UTEP game?  Remember the second half
of that game?  Remember Zow getting run down by a DE
coming all the way from the opposite side?  Remember
the final drive against USM in 2000?  How many times
did he hit a USM player on the numbers with a pass?

I don't remember, and it's irrelevant.
The UTEP game, the SECOND STRING was playing the second half because we
didn't want to embarrass them completely (we did anyway).  Also, had Zow
practiced with the first team before that game?  I doubt it.  Did he
practice with the first team before the Auburn game, and the Southern
Miss game?  I imagine so.

You can't compare a quarterback's performance with second string support
to his performance with first string support, and you certainly can't
compare Fran's coaching to DuBose.

I like Zow.  I'm happy for Zow.  But anyone who believes
CDF made a bad decision in starting Watts this year must
be smoking some choice buds.  Share the wealth!

Smoking is bad for your health, and I wouldn't want you to keel over.

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