Did I insinuate that? LOL


Jeff Todd wrote:
Do you not like Finebaum, Rick?

Slef E.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick.McMahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] What would Coach Fran have to say?

The man makes me angry and I don't give a rip what his motive is. I do
not like his style at all. All the shit we've gone through over the past
few years rips at me every fscking day and to have to read or listen to
someone who makes a very nice living off making fun of our troubles
makes me that much more angry. I will not read his shit unless someone
post it to this list, I refuse to listen to his radio show or visit his
web site _unless_ someone from the BamaNation recommends it. All you say
below may well be true, but it does not change my opinion or feelings
about the dude. He can take his orange ass right back to the hills and
never look back. I will celebrate the day that happens.


Jeff Todd wrote:


I don't know how long, or how closely you've followed PF,
but I've been reading/listening to him since day one. There
was a time early in his career when he was much rougher
on the Tide than he is these days. Do you remember the episode
with the recruitment of Bobby Lee Hurt? Anyway, I just feel
like PF knows a helluva lot more about BAMA than he lets
on. If anything, I think PF is somewhat sympathetic to BAMA's
problems these days. And if he wanted to he could probably
pull the strings and push the buttons necessary to make things
worse. I really believe that.

If not for The University of Alabama, PF probably wouldn't
have a radio job. And neither would a lot of other folks. It doesn't
matter what else is going on in the sports world as far as this state
is concerned. EVERYTHING - The World Series, The Superbowl,
The NBA Championship, The Master's - they all take a back seat to
Alabama Football. Move Finebaums radio show to another state
and I doubt he sells enough advertising to pay the rent. He HAS
to LOVE Alabama Athletics, because nowhere else in the US is
there a team with such a following - 365 days per year.

If PF hates BAMA, he's got me fooled. But he wouldn't be the first!

Roll Tide, DAMMITT!

Slef E.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick.McMahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] What would Coach Fran have to say?

You make a valid point, but you must admit, he doesn't give a shit about
what harm he does to the program. As a matter of fact I'd say he
relishes the troubled times in Tuscaloosa and would probably do
everything he could to add to that trouble. The SOB is from Tennessee,
he graduated from slUT, therefore I stick to my original statement that
he hates ALABAMA Football.

Roll Tide!!

Jeff Todd wrote:

Why would PF hate the hand that feeds him? Just doesn't
seem logical to me, mySlef and I.

Slef E.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick.McMahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] What would Coach Fran have to say?

We BamaFans can ALWAYS count on fartbomb to keep the shitpot stirred!


hates ALABAMA Football.

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