Barbra Walters was doing a documentary on the customs of American

After a tour of a reservation they were on, she was curious as to the
number of feathers in the headdresses.

She asked a brave who had only one feather in his headdress.  His
reply was, "one feather, one

She asked another brave, feeling the first fellow was only joking. 
This brave had four feathers in his headdress.  He  replied, 
"Four feathers,
 four squaws."

Still not convinced the number of feathers indicated the  number
of squaws involved, she decided to interview the Chief.  Now the
Chief had a headdress full of feathers which, needless to say, amused
Ms. Walters.

Ms. W:  "Why do you have so many feathers in your headdress?"

Chief:  "Me Chief,  fuck-em all, big, small, fat, tall, fuck-em

Ms. W:  "You ought to be hung!"

Chief:  "Damned right, me hung.  Big like buffalo, long like snake."

Ms. W:  "You don't have to be so hostile!"

Chief:  "Hoss-style, dog-style, wolf-style, any-style,  fuck-em

Ms. W:  "Oh, dear!"

Chief:  "No deer.  Bum too high, run too fast."

RTR - I know for a fact that Ms Arbins "Ass is Grass" when we *re-set
their clock* at JH. (Along the way, we hone our skills on MSU & LSU!) -
RollTideRoll........... On to Hawaii with a clean sweep......

Cheers -VO-

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