ML--> Story & link follow my ramblings. I'm tired so forgive any
ML--> spelling errors.

"As for carrying out preventive strikes against terrorist bases ... we
will take all measures to liquidate terrorist bases in any region of
the world," he [Col.-Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky, chief of the general staff
of Russia's armed forces] told reporters.
ML--> Welcome to the 21st century, pal. About damn time!

Ustinov said 210 bodies had been identified, and forensic workers also were trying to 
identify 32 body fragments.
ML--> Sick fucking Muslim motherfuckers. I KNOW they will rot in a the
ML--> worst part of Hell.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko also lashed out at the United States, 
saying talks with Chechens linked to rebel leaders are "absolutely unacceptable."
ML--> GOOD! They should nuke the motherfuckers! Fuck whatever we have
ML--> to say about it. They must defend their homeland also!

While joining condemnation of the school attack, the State Department said Tuesday 
that Moscow ultimately must hold political talks with rebellious Chechen leaders.
ML--> Fuck that! Shoot first & talk after their surrender.

ML--> If anyone has even read this far you should know that I am livid over
ML--> these terrorist acts againt children. It's not like Bama-Viles or even
ML--> Conservative-commie liberals to me. This is on another level entirely.
ML--> Russis should do just as we did in Afghanistan and unilaterally attack
ML--> Chechnya, oust the ruling terrorist governement and replace it with a
ML--> democratic one. Not a damn thing wrong with that. It's not the
ML--> innocent citizens who are in the wrong but if they harbor and protect
ML--> the terrorists then they put themselves in the fight. If they are not
ML--> aiding terrorism then they should be happy to be liberated from the
ML--> horrors of terroristic reign.

ML--> Some jerkoff on this list a few weeks ago said we were hypocritical
ML--> because we boycotted the 1980 Olympics over USSR's attack of
ML--> Afghantistan while we attqacked them 20 years later. We have ALWAYS
ML--> supported the PEOPLE of Afghanistan. Always. When the USSR attacked
ML--> them we supported the people. When the government was taken over by
ML--> extremist Muslims & terrorists we supported & liberated the PEOPLE.

ML--> The USA has a long standing tradition of liberating and supporting the
ML--> oppressed. We were the oppressed once. We had to do it ourselves. We
ML--> are giving the other oppressed people the benefit of our 200 years of
ML--> democratic experience so they don't have to start from scratch like we
ML--> did. The USA now has a RESPONSIBILTY to spread liberty & freedom if
ML--> only to protect our own citizens both abroad & at home.

ML--> So does Russia.


Russia Threatens to Strike Terror Bases
Sep 8, 2:58 PM (ET)

MOSCOW (AP) - A wounded Russia threatened Wednesday to strike against terrorists "in 
any region of the world," offered a $10 million reward for information leading to the 
killing or capture of Chechnya's top rebel leaders, and criticized the United States 
for its willingness to hold talks with Chechen separatists.

The announcements marked a show of resolve aimed at Russia's stunned citizens, as well 
as Western countries President Vladimir Putin accuses of hindering its fight against 
terror, in the wake of three attacks that killed more than 400 people in the past two 

In a nationally televised meeting, Prosecutor-General Vladimir Ustinov also briefed 
Putin on the investigation into the taking of more than 1,200 hostages in a school 
last week in the southern town of Beslan.

His was the first official acknowledgment that the number of hostages had been so 
high; the government initially said about 350 people were seized. A regional official 
later said the number had been 1,181.

Col.-Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky, chief of the general staff of Russia's armed forces, 
asserted Russia's right to strike terrorists beyond its borders.

"As for carrying out preventive strikes against terrorist bases ... we will take all 
measures to liquidate terrorist bases in any region of the world," he told reporters.

Baluyevsky made his comments alongside NATO's supreme allied commander in Europe, Gen. 
James Jones, after talks on Russia-NATO military cooperation, including anti-terror 

European Union officials reacted cautiously to Baluyevsky's statements, with 
spokeswoman Emma Udwin saying she could not be sure whether they represented 
government policy. Udwin said the 25-nation EU is against "extra-judicial killings" in 
form of pre-emptive strikes.

Russian leaders have previously claimed the right to attack terrorists beyond the 
country's borders - tacitly threatening neighboring Georgia that Moscow would pursue 
Chechen rebels allegedly sheltering on its territory. Two Russian agents were 
convicted this year for the February car bombing in Qatar that killed a Chechen rebel 
leader, Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev. Russia denied involvement in the assassination.

The Bush administration also has a policy of pre-emptive military action against 

NATO officials declined comment. The alliance released a statement with Russia 
stressing both sides'"determination to strengthen and intensify common efforts to 
fight the scourge of terrorism."

Nationalist lawmaker Dmitry Rogozin told Ekho Moskvy radio the warning appeared to be 
an effort to ease fears of terrorism in Russia following the crashes of two planes 
after explosions, a Moscow suicide bombing and the school seizure.

Anger over the school attack simmered in North Ossetia, the southern Russian region 
bordering Chechnya mourning the deaths of hundreds of children, parents and teachers.

Regional President Alexander Dzasokhov promised a furious crowd of 1,000 that the 
local government would step down within two days and said he would follow suit if he 
could not fulfill the protesters' demands for an independent inquiry - the first sign 
of officials being punished for failing to prevent the attack.

Russia's Federal Security Service offered a reward of $10 million - its biggest bounty 
ever - for information that could help "neutralize" Chechen rebel leaders Shamil 
Basayev and Aslan Maskhadov, whom officials have accused of masterminding last week's 
hostage crisis.

The agency said Basayev and Maskhadov have been responsible for "inhuman terrorist 
acts on the territory of the Russian Federation."

Maskhadov, the former president of Chechnya, had denied any involvement in the school 
standoff, according to aides. There has been no word from Basayev, a longtime rebel 
warlord who had claimed involvement in bloody raids and hostage-takings in the past.

Basayev is believed to be hiding in Chechnya; Russian officials have sometimes 
reported that Maskhadov has left the country.

Ustinov said 326 hostages were killed and 727 wounded in the school attack, which 
ended Friday in a wave of explosions and gunfire. North Ossetian Deputy Health 
Minister Teimuraz Revazov later said 329 were confirmed dead.

Ustinov said 210 bodies had been identified, and forensic workers also were trying to 
identify 32 body fragments.

His deputy, Sergei Fridinsky, said the bodies of 12 attackers had been identified and 
that some had taken part in a deadly June attack in the neighboring republic of 
Ingushetia, the Interfax news agency reported.

The authorities appeared to be backpedaling from their previous insistence on 
describing the attack as the work of international terrorists. At a meeting with 
visiting Western journalists and analysts Monday, Putin repeated investigators' 
allegations that 10 of the attackers were of Arab descent and denied that the 
hostage-taking was linked to Russia's policy in Chechnya.

However, Ustinov said nothing about Arabs in his briefing. Asked about the silence, a 
Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told The Associated Press that forensic experts were 
working to identify the terrorists "and until that work is finished, it's impossible 
to tell."

"According to preliminary data, there were Arabs," he said. "No one is denying the 
presence of Arabs."

Fridinsky also appeared to contradict Putin by saying the attackers' demands were tied 
to the war in Chechnya.

"The demands concerned chiefly political motives and were related to the 
anti-terrorist operation," he said, according to Interfax, using the formulation 
Russian authorities use instead of war.

The global issue of terrorism drew Russia closer to the United States and other 
Western nations following the Sept. 11 attacks, when Putin expressed support for U.S. 
anti-terror efforts.

But since the attack in Beslan, Putin and other top officials have turned up the 
volume on their accusations that Western nations apply double standards and hinder 
Russia's fight against terrorism by questioning its policy in Chechnya.

Responding to a statement by State Department spokesman Richard Boucher, Foreign 
Minister Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday that "we solve our internal problems ourselves 
and there's no need to search for an American route to political normalization in 
Chechnya," Interfax reported.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko also lashed out at the United States, 
saying talks with Chechens linked to rebel leaders are "absolutely unacceptable."

"After all, we are talking about those individuals who stand behind bloody attacks by 
terrorists in Russia, which have drawn the indignation of the entire civilized word," 
Yakovenko said in a statement.

While joining condemnation of the school attack, the State Department said Tuesday 
that Moscow ultimately must hold political talks with rebellious Chechen leaders.

Wednesday's TV broadcast of Ustinov's briefing was the first attempt by the government 
to give a formal account of the tragedy. The prosecutor said his information was based 
on interviews with witnesses and the one alleged attacker.

Ustinov said the approximately 30 attackers, including two women, had met in a forest 
early Sept. 1 before heading to School No. 1 in Beslan in a truck and two jeeps packed 
with weapons and ammunition.

People who had gathered to mark the first day of school were herded into the gym by 
the militants, some of whom voiced objections to seizing a school. Detainee Nur-Pashi 
Kulayev said the group's leader, who went by the name Colonel, shot one of the 
militants and said he would do the same to any other militants or hostages who did not 
show "unconditional obedience."

Later that day, he detonated the explosives worn by two female attackers, killing them 
to enforce the lesson, Ustinov said.

One of the militants was stationed with his foot on a button that would set off the 
explosives, Ustinov said; if he lifted his foot, the bombs strung up around the school 
gymnasium would detonate, he said.

On Friday, the militants decided to change the arrangement of the explosives, and they 
appear to have set off one bomb by mistake, Ustinov said. That sparked panic as 
hostages tried to flee and the attackers opened fire. 

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