Quoting M Laborde at 21:45 08-09-04:
ML--> If anyone has even read this far you should know that I am livid over
ML--> these terrorist acts againt children. It's not like Bama-Viles or even
ML--> Conservative-commie liberals to me. This is on another level entirely.
ML--> Russis should do just as we did in Afghanistan and unilaterally attack
ML--> Chechnya, oust the ruling terrorist governement and replace it with a
ML--> democratic one. Not a damn thing wrong with that. It's not the


Get your facts straight. It supports your rant a whole lot better.

The Russian's already did that. The "democratically" elected government
was put in place by Russia, and controlled by Russia. What the
mother fuckers want is Russia gone so that they can pull another
Taliban on the people there. Russia has no intention of letting that happen
because there happens to be a rather large and important <wait for it>
oil pipe line of theirs right through Chechnya.

Ok, now back to your regularly schedule rant...I like the way you think....

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