Does anyone have test the performance of linux run on an MPC860 board? We have do such a
test find that linux is very very slowly. Compare with pSOS and VxWorks the result is can't accepted by our boss. and RTLinux cann't run on an 860 now, anyboday has a good idea about it?
some result is:
                                 Linux              pSOS          VxWorks
for(;;) for local variable:      0.52  usec/times  23.81 usec/times 4.79 usec/times 
for(;;) for global variable:     0.48  usec/times  9.58  usec/times  3.99 usec/times 
while() for local variable:      0.57  usec/times  11.90 usec/times  5.78 usec/times 
while() for global variable:     0.445 usec/times  11.90 usec/times  3.97 usec/times 

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