Kulwinder Atwal wrote:
> shaolin zhang wrote:
> > some result is:
>                                  Linux              pSOS          VxWorks
> > for(;;) for local variable:      0.52  usec/times  23.81 usec/times  4.79 
> > for(;;) for global variable:     0.48  usec/times  9.58  usec/times  3.99 
> > while() for local variable:      0.57  usec/times  11.90 usec/times  5.78 
> > while() for global variable:     0.445 usec/times  11.90 usec/times  3.97 
> Does not a lower time mean it runs faster?
> It sounds like linux is running faster than pSOS and VxWorks.

At least, it is rather unclear what the meassured values
want to say anyway: how do you messure the execution time
of an endless loop? :-)

Do you think this "Empty-Loop-Benchmarks" say anything usefull for
a more complex application? I doupt, your main application
is an endless loop without content (maybe, you posted the whole
stuff in the linuxppc-mailinglist, but definitly not at
the RTL-Mailinglist)

BTW: RTLinux will not speed up the execution time of loops. This
only depends on the compiler. RTLinux just reduces latencies&jitters
and gives you guaranteed response times.

Please, can you be a little more specific and tell us exactly
how you did you performace tests including the code?

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