I'd like to comment on that and share my RTL/C++/STL experiences.

First of all, C++ works quite flawlessly in my project ( 
http://www.orocos.org -- sorry, no sources yet).  I wrap all malloc/free 
calls to kmalloc / kfree in a header file which determines if i'm compiling 
for the kernel or not.  I do not use globals yet so don't know whether the 
do_global_ctors_aux() works or not (but i thought it did).  Most of my 
symbols are resolved in rtl_cpp.c (->module ) and rtl_cpp.h ( -> include in 
your C++ header).  I also link multiple files (classes) together with ld and 
the crtbegin/end stuff.  

But even more, I'm almost done porting (gnu/sgi) STL to RTLinux.  Only one 
unresolved symbol left ( the name mangled __builtin_new : __nw__FUiPv anyone 
know how to implement that one ?).
Next will be adapting Boost C++ where they are also working on an embedable 

BTW, the missing symbol __nw__FUiPv is defined in libgcc, but that lib 
introduces 5 other undefined symbols, so i'll try to find how this lib is 
built with which function calls for implementing this symbol.

I must admit that incorporating C++ in the kernel demands some not-done 
practices (like defining the compiler built-ins, calling the global 
constructors etc ) But it is in my opinion very worth the effort.

Any help from the original C++/RTL porting team would also be appreciated.


On Tuesday 19 February 2002 15:51, you wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> I am using both C and C++ in my project. I think that hte reason why more
> people don't use C++ is that it is a pain in the butt to get working. Also,
> C++ is a lot more liberal about things like using malloc and free when
> doing object declaration in functions, etc. And malloc and RT don't really
> mix too well. With RTlinux you basically have to either do kmalloc in the
> init_module() or write your own memory heap allocator. Basically you use
> static objects for RT. Also, C++ is pretty strict, so when writing things
> like IO drivers, you have to cast the heck out of your data in order to
> read and write memory and the like. I am only using C++ because of the pass
> by reference operator, which I use in my API to pass a reference to and IO
> variable that the function will operate on. I may use objects in future
> api's but they are all functions now. I think the Real time programing
> paradigm makes it more difficult to use higher level tools such as OOP jsut
> because you need to be more aw! are of what is going on at a hardware
> level.
> Hope this helps a bit.
> BTW, I am still having problems with my global constructors not being
> initialized. I have pointers in a structure (which in C++ are objects)
> which aren't getting initialized by do_global_ctors_aux() like it used to.
> I am compiling two different directories and then linking their resultant
> object files together at the last step. Both intermediat linking steps are
> doign the $(CRTBEGIN) $(CRTEND) stuff in the C++ example but it still
> doesn't work. Help!!
> ~Ken
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