On Friday 15 March 2002 15:24, Ish Rattan wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > So make an OO-design and implement it in an OO-language like C++. 
> > These rules apply to all projects, so the choice between  C++ and C
> > for your RTLinux project should be obvious. Choose C++ !
> Design yes, but what does it have to do with C++? A langugae is just
> a notation to translate a solution!

Yeah. The only really nice feature of C++ IMHO, is inheritance - and I'm 
not even so sure about that, at times...

Still, I use C or C++ depending on the task, but it seems like I tend to 
chose C more and more often for some reason.

My basic rule is that the complexity of the problem has to motivate C++ - 
so either I'm lookin at simpler and simpler problems, or problems just 
look simpler to me. ;-)

//David Olofson --- Programmer, Reologica Instruments AB

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