c3 a écrit :
> The prag-prog book is, I'm very sad to say, not so good. For example I
> wanted to make a div appear to slide down. The book told me to use the
> SlideDown effect, great, but it offered not a single example nor did
> it document a single option. I ended up having to read the source to


I'm sorry the book didn't cut it for you, but I can't let that pass. 
The book documents every single option available, for every effect; it's 
just that many combined effects (including SlideDown) do not have any 
specific option, and "common" options are all explained in detail (from 
p.258), and every aspect of calling an effect is demo'd elsewhere in the 
chapter (from p.250 for the basics and the core effects with their 
options, and after the combined effects list for "advanced" features 
such as effect queues).

Indeed, the "combined" effects do not have individual demos, for several 
reasons: first, most of them would be difficult to "render on paper". 
Second, the code for them is usually a one-liner identical to every 
effect call in the other examples.

The chapter referred to Scripty's wiki combined demo page, which is now, 
indeed, down :-(  You can find an alternate version of it (which I 
prefer, too) in the code for my presentation last July at The Ajax 
Experience West:


Again, I'm sorry that you did not find what you wanted in the chapter, 
but what you're saying here is patently false…


Christophe Porteneuve aka TDD

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