On Jul 2, 11:43 am, Antoine Quint <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 2, 2008, at 17:27 , Ryan Gahl wrote:
> > Nowhere on that page does it say that static class methods are
> > copied to the prototype.
> I think there are only ever static class methods passed in
> Class.create(). When you do this:
> Class.create({
>    initialize: function() {
>      // some code here
>    }
> });
> you are passing Class.create an anonymous object with a single static
> method defined on it. That object could not be used to create a class

There are no "static" or "instance" methods on js objects really : )
I understand what you mean, but it just sounds confusing.

> with the "new" construct, it has no constructor to speak of. That's
> the whole premise of Class.create as I understand it, you pass it an
> anonymous object which really is just a class definition.
> The style I use to create classes with Class.create is to actually
> name that anonymous object, define what will be instance methods as
> static methods on it, pass that object to Class.create() and update
> the object with what is returned. So what I wrote above is rewritten
> that way and is equivalent as I understand it.
> MyClass = {};
> MyClass.initialize = function () {
>    // some code here
> };
> MyClass = Class.create(MyClass);

I've never seen such way of defining "classes". It seems weird to
first create a reference to an empty object literal, then redefine it
to point to a "class" definition. Whatever works for you.

> > If, for whatever reason, it actually IS supposed to work that way,
> > it's a major flaw, and should be fixed immediately. But like I said,
> > it wouldn't make any sense if it worked like that, and so it doesn't.
> I think it's a pretty elegant design and it's actually the reason I
> chose Prototype as a base framework, because I really liked how it
> lets one define classes.

Prototype doesn't provide any special facility for defining "static"
members (as majority defines it). All it takes is to declare them as
members of "class" function.

var Foo = Class.create({ ... })
Foo.blah = 'my static property';

> > So, with that - just do what darrin suggests (which is the best way
> > to ensure your instance methods are truly instance only methods)...
> > or attach them directly to the prototype object after Class.create()
> > is called.
> I think I'll just have a special method called in .initialize that
> will map the getters and setters automatically. I was just hoping that
> Prototype might already have a way to deal with JS getters and setters
> outside of the constructor.

You could do that, though "fat" constructors is usually not a good
idea. It would also cripple performance if constructor is called

-- kangax
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