Yeah, you're right, sorry, thanks so much for your help. Probably for 
the best that i changed the model name from Request anyway, might as 
well commit that to my svn since it's advertised as a Rails reserved 

I just posted this to the forum with a different subject, since it ended 
up having nothing to do with this, but. But I was forced to really get 
down and dirty with my testing, and it turns out it's because I had 
over-ridden [] and []= on one of the models involved. I got away with 
that in Rails 1 (perhaps AR didn't used to use these methods?), but not 
in Rails 2.  Okay, more refactoring, this one's even more of a pain then 
the last one. Oh well, I guess I was being too clever before.


Frederick Cheung wrote:
> On 10 Nov 2008, at 21:04, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
>> Hmm, just changing the model name from Request to AppRequest doesn't
>> seem to have done it.
>> I tried to leave the (many) associations pointing to AppRequest (nee
>> Request) the same, but specify a :class_name and :foreign_key.
>> It sounds like maybe "request" as the name of an assocation, even when
>> not the name of the model, is a no-no too?
> I'm not convinced that has anything to do with this at all. If you
> could post your teeny tiny example I might be able to work out what is
> going in (given that I wrote the code behind include in 2.1.2)
> Fred

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