
Here is what I did and everything is working.
I uninstalled Mysqlx64 and Ruby.
ran into an issue where Vista kept the service for Mysql even after I 
unistalled it, so I had to go into the registry and manually delete the 
service entry.  Then I was able to install mysql-essential-5.1.30-win32. 
After installation I checked to make sure everything was fine, there is 
only one small error and that is when  you do a version check
>mysql -v
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using 
password: NO)

This is no big deal as I can access the mysql database using
>mysql -u admin -p #and then providing the password, also can get in using the 
>mysql command line client after providing password.

next I installed Ruby 1.8.6, I tried grabbing 1.8.7 but there is no 
one-click installer and I had issues with the binary so decided to stay 
with 1.8.6

Then I ran:
>gem install rubygems-update
>gem install rails
>gem install mysql
# which has an ERROR: While generating documentation for 
... MESSAGE: Unhandled special: Special: type=17, text="<!-- $Id: 
README.html,v 1.20 2006-12-20 05:31:52 tommy Exp $ -->"
(continuing with the rest of the installation)
>gem install mongrel --include-dependencies

#this also appears to be no big deal, as it only affects documentation.

Then I launched the Server, head to localhost:3000 click on about your 
app and everything appears rosy, no apparent mysql issues and all the 
versions look good...until you run rake db:migrate then run into the
undefined method 'each' for #<Mysql:0x609076c>

which apparently is a problem only when running mysql 5.1 and rails 
2.2.2(maybe 2.1.2 not checking) so I need to back that out to 5.0.67 and 
then.....hopefully everything will be good....until I have to update any 
component in this equation.

so thats the update, enjoy.
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