Robert Walker wrote in post #1047899:
> Raimon Fs wrote in post #1047848:
>> - Is it true that a slow queriy on RoR lock all other concurrent
>> connections? This was true on old RoR versions.
> This could be true in many cases, but is this really different from PHP?
> Does PHP handle requests concurrently? I'm not really sure about that.
> All the "intelligence" in wrapped up inside that Apache module and
> there's generally only one of those.

Sure I'm missing something, but in Apache you say how many workers want 
for PHP and that's all, with Thin/Mongrel/... you have to create them 
before, and tell ngix how many you have. Maybe the Unicorn/Passenger is 
the solution. I think I'm worried for things that maybe never are going 
to happen, as this site is for an ERP where will be used by 100/200 

> In any case, chances are highly likely that you'll never have to worry
> about this. Slow queries are almost always the result of bad design.

yes, I know.

> Rails and the techniques used by Rails developers provide a multitude of
> solutions to this problem, without resorting to concurrent request
> processing. In many cases not having concurrent processing simplifies
> the app, resulting in increased stability and few hard to find bugs.
> Threading is damn hard, as anyone who has had to deal with it will
> confirm.

I have three sites with RoR, never have had any problem, but are sites 
with very low traffic.

>> I usualy have my RoR served by Ngix with Thin.
>> Apahe can serve PHP directly.
> Apache does NOT serve PHP directly. It forwards all requests to the PHP
> module for processing.
>> This extra layer (Thin, mongrel,...) has some penalty on RoR ?
> This is not an extra layer. It's just in a different place.

I don't know why I thout ngix process the page, pass it to Thin and Thin 
pass to Ruby, but maybe is Thin who parses and executes the Ruby page 

>> I know I can have many Thins servers listening and Ngix uses them by
>> demand, or use Passenger, Unicorn, ... but those options are slowering
>> the web in comparation with Apache and PHP?
>> I prefer to use RoR but I have to convince the other programmer and my
>> Boss, both of them prefer Php because sound better, there are more
>> developers, bla bla bla
> Convincing your coworkers and boss is not something we can help you
> with. That's all on you.

Well, you can help convince them with evidences :-)

>> Of course the best is what I'm doing, creating a RoR and Kohana web tot
>> test this very specific questions, but it's aways good to ask and read
>> from profressionals like you :-)
> Good approach. You can't know if you have a scaling problem unless you
> have metrics to back it up. Pre-optimization is a highly inefficient use
> of your time.

I'm just testing and playing with it, I have one week for take a 
decision, a full payed week just to play with both frameworks/languages.


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