I wonder... Is there a possibility that if your database has multiple 
tables that are related with foreign keys,
whilst a user is filling in fields of forms, etc - is it possible for 
another web user to overwrite records or to create 
records with the same id that would later get overwritten by the 'slow' 

In general, is there a potential database consistancy problem with multiple 
Rails web users. If so, what is the 
solution. I have never seen this discussed in any Rails book I've read.


On Monday, November 19, 2012 9:24:27 AM UTC-8, Ruby-Forum.com User wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm not surely if I'm going to be able to explain well ... 
> We have a Rails 3.2 with backend PostgreSQL. 
> We have 5 models that are nested/related between them, and all must be 
> created/updated/destroyed in block, like a transaction. 
> Those models are created using very complex views and some modals, this 
> is for a very complex ERP. 
> We don't want to store 'invalid data' in the real tables, like using 
> some attribute like 'pending' or 'modifying'. 
> One solution that I'm experiment with it, and it seems it can serve us, 
> is using schemas of PostgreSQL. I have defined in a new schema the same 
> tables that we need for this purpose. 
> In Rails, I duplicate de Model (it's not DRY anymore...) with almost 
> same attributes but using the schema.table notation for the model. 
> When I create a new block set, simply I use the 'new_model_schema' 
> variatons, and finally, when I want to save, simply Insert all the rows 
> from this schema to the real schema (public in our case), all wrapped in 
> a block transaction. 
> But if we have to modify, we have to move all possible data to the new 
> schema, make there all the changes, and if it's validated, update the 
> values in the public schema. 
> This is not DRY, we have to have duplicated tables in two schemas, and 
> we have to duplicate models in Rails, and of course, controllers, and 
> views. 
> This approach maybe works but at the end will be a pain to maintain ... 
> What alternatives we have ? 
> A Javascript MVC framework like backbone.js will help us ? 
> In this case we have to duplicate some code also with model/views in 
> backbone, but at the end, the Rails controllers/views stay the same. 
> How are you solving this kind of complexity ? 
> Thanks for your time and help! 
> regards, 
> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/. 

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