On 27 June 2013 21:54, Matt Hall <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Hi Colin,
> Thank you for your quick reply!
> I am using Windows 7.

Most RoR developers use Linux (eg Ubuntu) or Mac.  I believe it is
possible to use Windows but you will find it more difficult to get
support as so few use it.  I advise using Ubuntu either by dual
booting the PC or running it in a virtual machine.

I usually recommend railstutorial.org for beginners.

> Ruby works fine as I've been using cmd prompt and
> irb to experiment with Ruby. The tutorial is "Getting Started with
> Rails" (http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html). I got stuck
> at the beginning of 4. Hello, Rails!.
> When I initially tried to install rails, it failed and asked me to
> download the DevKit. I followed all the instructions on that correctly.
> Then I tried installing rails again and it had a bunch of "could not
> convert ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8" and skipped those files. It wasn't until I
> got stuck with this error (see post above) that I installed sqlite3.
> When I installed sqlite3, it said something about being added to Gemfile
> list (if I remember right). I still don't see it when I do gem list.

I suspect the encoding issues are Windows problems.

> I did discover sqlite3 in Gemfile.lock and the text: "# Use sqlite3 as
> the database for Active Record
> gem 'sqlite3'" in Gemfile in the root directory of the blog the tutorial
> asked me to make.

I don't quite understand what you are saying above.  You should not
edit Gemfile.lock, you should edit Gemfile.  Then run
bundle install
in a terminal.  That should install the gem and update Gemfile.lock.
However, since you are using Windows, I don't know whether there are
other issues.


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