OPSPL Goan wrote in post #1176005:
> Colin Law wrote in post #1175982:
>> On 1 July 2015 at 17:01, OPSPL Goan <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
>>> ...
>>> Any thoughts. But tomorrow (is 9 PM here now so leaving for the day) - I
>>> will do as you suggest - try getting down a clean copy, put it into git
>>> and then try and slowly upgrade/build it.
>> Remember, bundle install not upgrade.
>> Colin
> Thanx for the help. Appreciated. BTW, where are you? I'm in Goa (India)
> - just so I can coord to your time-zones - and make the most of the
> assistance you're so willingly offering Yes? Thank you again.
> Ok. Got a latest copy from heroku. It does not run there anymore as the
> bamboo stack's depreciated - so Yes, got it. Checked into
> new-cedar-branch too - to avoid going "up the alley" again :-) All good.
> Nothing's changed... Still errors...
> With plain --> bundle install - it bundles. No errors. But still won't
> run.
> $ foreman start
> `run': undefined method `spawn' for Process:Module (NoMethodError)
>         from
> `chdir'
>         from
> `run'
>         from
> `spawn_processes'
>         from
> `upto'
>         from
> `spawn_processes'
>         from
> `each'
>         from
> `spawn_processes'
>         from
> `start'
>         from
> `start'
>         from
> `__send__'
>         from
> `run'
>         from
> `invoke_command'
>         from
> `dispatch'
>         from
> `start'
>         from
>         from
> /home/online/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302@rails2310/bin/foreman:19:in
> `load'
>         from
> /home/online/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302@rails2310/bin/foreman:19
>         from
> /home/online/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302@rails2310/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15
> online@online-Virtual-Machine:~/kacstbook-engage$
> Any ideas? Anything I can try :-(
> Goan.

1. Foreman looked like it was out of sync - so changed version.
Was getting this error ==> https://github.com/ddollar/foreman/issues/473
  foreman --version
*** That seems better.

2. Then is asked for puma. So included that in the Gemfile. and had to
make a puma.rb file in config dir.
Used info from here:
Is this correct?

3. Now it gives another error :-(
$ foreman start
10:18:21 web.1  | started with pid 5846
10:18:21 web.1  | [5847] Puma starting in cluster mode...
10:18:21 web.1  | [5847] * Version 2.11.3 (ruby 1.8.7-p302), codename:
Intrepid Squirrel
10:18:21 web.1  | [5847] * Min threads: 5, max threads: 5
10:18:21 web.1  | [5847] * Environment: development
10:18:21 web.1  | [5847] * Process workers: 2
10:18:21 web.1  | [5847] * Preloading application
10:18:21 web.1  | [5847] ERROR: No application configured, nothing to
10:18:21 web.1  | exited with code 1
10:18:21 system | sending SIGTERM to all processes
SIGTERM received



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