On 20 September 2015 at 20:37, Prasanna Moharana
<lipp.prasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello colin as u told me to send some data relavant to your command let me 
> give a Result of command that i tried
> prasanna@prasanna-HP-Pavilion-dv6-Notebook-PC:~$ gem -v
> 2.4.8
> prasanna@prasanna-HP-Pavilion-dv6-Notebook-PC:~$ which gem
> /home/prasanna/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.3/bin/gem

I notice that you have not followed my request to reply to the
previous message when replying and insert your reply inline within or
after the previous message so that it makes it easier to follow the
thread.  I offer support on a number of lists and anything you can do
to make life easier for me will make it more likely that I will try to
help.  Thanks.

Those look a little odd, as I have just installed on a 14.04 system
using rvm in a similar way to that in the tutorial you linked to and I
have ended up with ruby 2.2.1 (not 2.2.3) and gem 2.4.6 (not 2.4.8).
I don't know how you achieved that but it should not really matter.

However, all else having failed I think the only option is to use the
sledgehammer.  I suggest you entirely remove rvm by

rm -rf ~/.rvm* ~/.gem/ ~/.bundle
Some of those may not exist so don't worry if it does not find them to delete.

Tell gem that we don't need to install the docs
echo 'gem: --no-rdoc --no-ri' > ~/.gemrc

Remove the Ubuntu version of gem if you have somehow installed it
sudo apt-get purge gem

Now install ruby and rails using rvm  - Note never use sudo for
installing rails related stuff except for installing system libraries
and so on with apt-get.  Otherwise you end up with things owned by
root and in the wrong folders.

curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails

You might have to put your password in if rvm needs to install any
system libraries or tools.
If any errors are thrown up then let us know.

You should already have added the line to load rvm on login onto the
end of .bashrc (as in the tutorial) so won't need to do that again.

logout and in again.

So now
rvm notes
rails -v
ruby -v
gem -v
should all work and show versions picked up from the .rvm folder in
your home directory.

Good luck


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