On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 1:29 AM, 'krfg' via Ruby on Rails: Talk
<rubyonrails-talk@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> I did not delete any user, at very least not after creating the user that
> received id 2.

Creating and deleting a first user would "use up" sequence # 1 in most
DBs, so the next user would be - surprise! - 2.

But as Colin said: it's only important that each user has a *unique* id,
not what it is.

> Anyway, what most worries me is the repetition of 'User Load' when I query
> the database. Would it be possible that the database holds two tables with
> same name 'users'?

I can't imagine that being a possibility, but what's stopping you from
looking for yourself?

And if you're concerned that an action is causing duplicate queries
to be run, why not look at the DB logs?

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan
Consulting Availability : Silicon Valley or remote

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