'krfg' via Ruby on Rails: Talk <rubyonrails-talk@googlegroups.com> writes:

> On Monday, December 28, 2015 at 4:54:42 AM UTC+1, tamouse wrote:
>> Personally, I have the suspicion that you've used the same database on
>> that Heroku project for a previous try with this app and it's an
>> artifact of having previously created a user in that table in the
>> database. To be perfectly sure, you can drop and recreate the database
>> on heroku with this command:
>>     heroku run rake db:drop db:create db:migrate
>> and when that's complete, create your first user again and see what
>> happens.
>> If that actually shows that the id's start from one (which my tests do
>> show), then you have your answer.
> Hi tamouse,
> thanks for you reply.
> I tried as you suggested with 'heroku run rake db:drop db:create
> db:migrate'.
> This is what happened:
> Running rake db:drop db:create db:migrate on evening-tor-7558... up,
> run.1645
> FATAL:  permission denied for database "postgres"
> DETAIL:  User does not have CONNECT privilege.
> Couldn't drop d7joq5egek6ik
> FATAL:  permission denied for database "postgres"
> DETAIL:  User does not have CONNECT privilege.
> Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"postgresql", "pool"=>5,
> "timeout"=>5000, "database"=>"d7joq5egek6ik", "username"=>"ehufnjwspxqoqf",
> "password"=>"jq-7RPmjk0ipNkvh-3PaSgyyhv", "port"=>5432,
> "host"=>"ec2-54-204-30-115.compute-1.amazonaws.com"}
>   ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (4.3ms)  SELECT "schema_migrations".*
> FROM "schema_migrations"

What happened when you tried creating a new test application?

Tamara Temple

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