On 20 February 2016 at 14:33, krfg <fangor...@yahoo.it> wrote:
> Having finished the Michael Hartl Rails tutorial, which uses Cloud9 as
> development environment, I would like to redo it configuring my machine
> (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) as a local development environment.
> I am determined to use Atom + Terminal, and I would really appreciate some
> help in determining what remains of all the necessary software to be
> installed in my computer, because the tutorial is not much helpful in this
> respect.
> Before Rails I decided to study some Ruby.
> In the official Ruby web page, Bitnami RubyStack is recommended as a
> complete development environment for Rails. Since I planned to study Ruby
> for Rails, I installed Bitnami RubyStack: would you recommend to keep it?
> Or, as I suspect, it would be better to install each component separately?

I have no experience of that so cannot comment.

> The official Rails web page used to provide a link for those interested in
> how to install the Ruby on Rails development environment: would that be a
> recommendable solution?
> Combining my brief experience as a student and The RailsApps Project
> suggestions, I suppose I need the following applications:
> A database: the Rails Tutorial uses SQLite but Heroku recommends to use
> PostgreSQL also in development (Heroku uses PostgreSQL). I am undecided
> because on the one hand I completed the course without noticing any
> incompatibility between SQLite and PostgreSQL, and Michael Hartl says that
> SQLite is much easier than PostgreSQL. On the other hand I do not know the
> limits of compatibility between the two databases, so I would not like to
> find myself into trouble.

Start with sqlite as it is easy.  Later if you feel the need you can
move to PostgreSQL.

> RVM: will I need RVM for switching between Ruby versions? The RailsApps
> project recommends it. For the tutorial, it was more determinant the
> possibility to choose the Rails version than that of Ruby.

I recommend rvm (others like rbenv), in fact you can install the
virtually the whole RoR environment following the instructions on
rvm.io by first installing the key as described there, then if you run

\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails

it will install ruby, rails and all the dependencies you need and get
you up and running in no time.
Note, don't use sudo for anything rvm, ruby or gem related when using
rvm.  Everything is installed in ~/.rvm which makes life very easy.

> Bundler: is it installed with Ruby of will I need to install it separately?

It will be installed for you.

> Node.js: the RailsApps project says that "for development on Ubuntu Linux it
> is best to install the Node.js server-side JavaScript environment".

I have installed nodejs, but instead you can include the gem
therubyracer for development mode.

> Web server: what local web server would you suggest? WEBrick? Apache? The
> tutorial uses WEBrick.

You don't need to do anything, rails comes with a server for development.

> Git: Git is already installed with Ubuntu. Will that be enough?

I also use find the gui interfaces git-gui and gitk invaluable.
sudo apt install git-gui gitk

> Would you recommend anything else?
> Finally, I suppose I will need to find documentation on how to configure all
> these applications: do you have any suggestion about that?

No you won't, well not much anyway.  The only one that needs any setup
is postgres and I there is no need to worry about that in the short
term at least.
I suppose that is not quite true, you will need to learn about rvm,
but initially you can just ignore it and only worry about it when you
start wanting to use different versions of ruby and rails.

Good luck.


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