Jeff Schwab wrote:

> That's how I was taught MVC, long before I'd heard of Ruby:  Models do 
> some basic checking, but business logic belongs in the controller.  That 
> was the point of the controller; it gave a central place to put business 
> logic.

Could you cite? It's flat-out wrong, and a friend of mine seems to have flubbed 
an interview by stating the correct answer.

The Model should store things your boss says, like "client X can handle Visas 
and Mastercards, but client Y can handle only Visas". Business rules.

Because controllers are busy controlling, you can't refactor the crap out of 
them, to leverage tricks like inheritance. X could inherit Y, and add 
handling. (Please note that's a contrived example that would not withstand even 
cursory domain-driven analysis!;)

Models have only one predefined role - persistence into a database - so they 
free to otherwise refactor their logic around until it's DRY. If you wrote a 
non-trivial Rails app without this refactoring and designing, your controllers 
are going to rapidly devolve into unmanageable brambles of tangled thorny 

In a system where the controllers are not so constrained (CGI, Ajax, HTTP, 
they are free to refactor into more subtle designs. Some projects, using other 
platforms, could conceivably store lots of business rules in objects that also 
control. That still does not mean it's a good idea.

>> The Model should be as fat as possible. Anything a user can do to the biz 
>> rules, 
>> thru the View, unit test can do to the Model directly.
> That's not necessarily true.

That is extremely necessarily true. Defining designs in terms of how to 
test-drive their creation is a simple but powerful way to explain generic 
guidelines. Think, for example, of the tests required to generate one of the 
designs in the book /Design Patterns/.

When you are writing an application, you should respond to the business rules 
your requirements by TDDing them into your models first, then wiring them up to 
your Views. There's simply no counter-example for this practice.

>> So the question is: Where did this disinformation come from? Do any websites 
>> (or 
>>  >cough< books) out there actually say the biz rules belong in the 
>> controller?
> I first used MVC with MFC, about 10+ years ago, and in Java shortly 
> thereafter.  Fat controllers may have been advocated by MS back then.

MFC exploits "vendor lock-in" by tempting you with a wizard. I suspect Rails is 
an example of a competing platform that simply doesn't need one! Beyond 


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