On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 1:44 AM, Ricardo Sanchez <rsanchez.jayh...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> RightScale is good solution but very expensive, a cheaper alternative
> is using Scalr (scalr.net)
> and they have both a free version (open source) as well as a paid
> service (scalr.net being
> the paid service, only $50/month + Amazon fees).

Actually, the current charge for scalr.net is $99 per/month + Amazon
charges.  The $50 per/month
was before August 16th.  Also, Rightscale has a developer edition that can
give you the opportunity
to tryout their services.

> Both RightScale and
> Scalr are considered
> cloud management tools and they work very well with Amazon Web
> Services (EC2/S3/EBS...)
> RightScale feature set is richer than Scalr.

Also, Scalr.net recently graduated from beta to production on August 1,
2009.  Also, I wish that I would
have known that one of the founders members, Alexey Kovalyov, resides in the
Ukraine because I was
there back in October 2008 and it would been a pleasure to meet him.

> You should keep in mind that Amazon is not the only kid in the game
> (in the PaaS - platform
> as a Service). There is also GoGrid and Rackspace (with their cloud
> offering options).


> Finally, there is a new breed of rails hosting solutions: Heroku and
> EngineYard (Solo/Flex).

Heroku has some very excellent hosting solutions from what I have
heard from others and what appears on their site.  Also, the hosting
from what I hear is dead simple.

> They provide free trials of their services and a wide range of plans.
> Heroku uses Amazon's servers
> while Engine Yard uses Joyent.
> If you use Aptana's IDE for rails development, they also provide a
> cloud hosting offering (AptanaCloud).
> So there are tons of options. The problem is that there is a wide
> range of expertise required for
> rails deployment. If you want to deal the least with server
> configuration, I would strongly suggest
> a service like Heroku (they even have github integration). I havent
> used EngineYard's but their
> Solo offering seems quite good for development/testing as well. The
> moment you need production-ready
> features then you have to start paying for more in both Heroku/
> EngineYard's offerings.
> - Ricardo

Yes, I would agree with Ricardo in this regard but you want to limit your
developing/testing to the local platform because some of these services
have per/hour usage fees.  The plan that I have with Rightscale has
15000 hours/per month for $500 which is great for deploying several
applications per month.  Thus, when I test a new application or updat
an existing application, I tend to do the following:

a)  start the instance
b)  test the application
c)  stop the instance

Note:  The above doesn't affect the following application because I tend
          to create a staging instance for testing both new and updates to
          existing applications.

Good luck,


> On Aug 15, 8:01 pm, Conrad Taylor <conra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Jeff Pritchard <
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net> wrote:
> >
> > > A search of this forum for "cloud" brought up a pretty anemic and
> mostly
> > > year or more old list of stuff.  That was a bit of a surprise to me.
> >
> > > I'm interested in getting opinions on the easiest way to deploy a Rails
> > > app to a well known (S3 or similar) "cloud" server.
> >
> > > It should be something with little or no "installation" or
> > > "establishment" fees and no monthly fees...just the per/megabyte
> traffic
> > > fees.
> >
> > > Would be great if deployment was via capistrano, just like a VM or
> > > dedicated server would be.
> >
> > > Has anyone made this cheap and easy yet?  Or do you still have to roll
> > > your own implementation using API's that were designed to be general in
> > > nature and thus requiring significant development effort to get it
> > > deployed?
> >
> > > thanks,
> > > jp
> > > --
> > > Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >
> > I am using Rightscale and I'm very happy with the Rails integration.
>  BTW,
> > Rightscale is a front-end to Amazon Services (i.e. EC2, S3, Cloudfront,
> and
> > so on).  Also, it costs a bit more for their service in addition to
> Amazon
> > charges
> > but it was well worth it for our business.  This will be common with the
> > other
> > front-ends to Amazon.
> >
> > Furthermore, I'm very pleased with the ability to have better control as
> to
> > what's
> > going on with my server instances.  Also, if you're publishing a lot of
> > media assets
> > and the site has a great deal of traffic, then I would recommend having
> some
> > CDN functionality within your sites' configuration.  Hulu.com would be a
> > very good
> > example of the use of a CDN and Rails.
> >
> > When I was in Japan, I noticed that every Japanese site was extremely
> fast
> > being
> > that my connection speed was 1 Giga bit per second.  However, it was a
> > sudden
> > drop-off when accessing sites in the US that didn't have a local CDN.
>  Thus,
> > you should
> > use a CDN where it makes sense for creating the best user experience.
> >
> > Next, I would first focus on building solid Rails website architecture
> > before thinking about
> > scaling a site that doesn't exist by using the cloud.  Once the site has
> > been built, then
> > you can make better decisions on how to properly scale your site.  For
> > examples, there are
> > tools that can easily allow one to simulate N concurrent users across
> > multiple servers
> >
> > Lastly, it doesn't matter which option you select you'll have to pay for
> any
> > high-traffic site
> > that uses a lot of bandwidth.  Thus, you may also want to take a look at
> > Google App Engine.
> >
> > Good luck,
> >
> > -Conrad
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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