jhaagmans wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a model called "ProductAttribute":
> class ProductAttribute < ActiveRecord::Base
>   belongs_to :product
>   has_many :children,  :foreign_key => :parent_id, :class_name =>
> 'ProductAttribute', :dependent => :destroy, :order => :position
>   belongs_to :parent, :class_name => 'ProductAttribute' if :parent_id
>   acts_as_list :scope => :parent
> end
> As you can see, my goal is to have an attribute with a number of
> children and a parent, as long as it's not a root attribute. I think I
> got it right, but if you see any errors in this, please do tell me.

I think you did that part right.

> Now I want to list an entire product, with all its attributes, in a
> view, which is where I got stuck. I want these associations to show
> hierarchically, so that a child is in fact a child element ( for
> example a list item ) of its parent. I can get all attributes using
> the product_id, so I have defined a collection called @attributes in
> my controller. But how to proceed in the view?

Use awesome_nested_set for this.  It's much better for arbitrary tree 
structures than the simple adjacency list that you're currently using.

> My guess is that I need a partial which loads itself, but how to pass
> along the subcollection (a child -can- have another child which can
> have. another child and so on). 

With a nested-set model such as I am recommending, you can get all the 
descendants with a single query.  Without it...well...good luck. :)

> It's important that it sorts every
> subcollection (e.g. a few children of a certain child) by position: do
> I have that covered in my model by :order => :position?

Maybe.  Or you could use acts_as_list.

> I really hope you can help.
> Thank you!
> Jaap Haagmans

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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