On Aug 19, 3:31 pm, jhaagmans <jaap.haagm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 19 aug, 19:35, Marnen Laibow-Koser <mar...@marnen.org> wrote:
> > On Aug 19, 1:10 pm, jhaagmans <jaap.haagm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Thank you Marnen, I've made it work using acts_as_tree, which can do
> > > everything I was looking for in combination with acts_as_list.
> > Now that I've got your attention, please take a moment and read over
> > this thread, particularly the part where I explained that nested sets
> > can do what acts_as_tree cannot: get all descendants (no matter how
> > deep) with a single database query.  There is no way to do that at all
> > with acts_as_tree.
> Now look at the example I gave here earlier in this thread. I've used
> it and it generates exactly as many queries as my acts_as_tree (which
> is based on his example). Not one less. So, what's that guy doing
> wrong? I can't figure it out and yes, I've looked into the rdoc.

I finally looked at the example you provided, and I can see why you're
confused.  That's a *horrible* example.  This guy is using
awesome_nested_set as if it were acts_as_tree: only going one level
into the tree with each query (which is why he's calling
@category.children each time).  Doing it that way, you're absolutely
right that there's no real advantage over acts_as_tree

But that's not how awesome_nested_set should be used for maximum
benefit.  What you should be doing is something like
@root.descendants .  That will -- with a single query -- load *all*
descendants of @root, to infinite depth, into memory.  Then you can
play with them in memory without touching the database again until you
need to save something.

> Okay, but again: why? The same story as the previous one? If I can do
> all this with one query, I would like to know how.

See above.  Try methods like descendants, watch the SQL, and observe
the real power of the data stricture.

> And I would like to
> know how I can get the sortable functionality to work with
> acts_as_nested_set. You said I should use acts_as_list, but doesn't
> that make the lft and rgt columns obsolete?

Not really.  acts_as_list (at least, the way I use it with
awesome_nested_set) only deals with ordering among siblings.  lft and
rgt, however, contain information that also deals with parent/child

However, you may not need acts_as_list, since unlike acts_as_tree,
siblings in nested-set trees *do* have an implied ordering.

> And then again, what's the
> advantage of using acts_as_nested_set?

It describes the tree structure.  acts_as_list explicitly does not.

> I'll look into it, but chances are I'm not getting this to work with
> the scarce information available on the net.

It's not even that difficult.  Just spend your time on understanding
the concept rather than looking for examples.  (That said, if I find a
good example, I'll let you know.)

> > No.  awesome_nested_set should not make your controller or views any
> > harder to understand.  If anything, it should make them *easier* to
> > understand, because you do not have to do lots of database queries to
> > retrieve the records you need.
> Then I've caught a bad example. The problem is: it's the -only- real
> example I could find! And I really need examples to figure these kinds
> of things out!

As I said above, you've caught a *terrible* example.  Drop it and
start from scratch.  Look at the rdoc again, in particular the README
and the InstanceMethods page.  Don't be afraid to check out the source
either; it's very clearly written.  You'll be using the children and
descendants methods a lot; these do what you'd expect from their

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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