On 19 aug, 19:35, Marnen Laibow-Koser <mar...@marnen.org> wrote:
> On Aug 19, 1:10 pm, jhaagmans <jaap.haagm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thank you Marnen, I've made it work using acts_as_tree, which can do
> > everything I was looking for in combination with acts_as_list.
> Now that I've got your attention, please take a moment and read over
> this thread, particularly the part where I explained that nested sets
> can do what acts_as_tree cannot: get all descendants (no matter how
> deep) with a single database query.  There is no way to do that at all
> with acts_as_tree.

Now look at the example I gave here earlier in this thread. I've used
it and it generates exactly as many queries as my acts_as_tree (which
is based on his example). Not one less. So, what's that guy doing
wrong? I can't figure it out and yes, I've looked into the rdoc.

> > I'm
> > unsure as to what the advantages of using acts_as_nested_set over
> > acts_as_tree are.
> Your database access will be *much* more efficient.  There is no
> reason to even consider acts_as_tree for most projects, because it is
> so inefficient.  I know it *looks* simpler than awesome_nested_set,
> but beyond the simplest queries, it's inefficient and needlessly
> complex.

Okay, but again: why? The same story as the previous one? If I can do
all this with one query, I would like to know how. And I would like to
know how I can get the sortable functionality to work with
acts_as_nested_set. You said I should use acts_as_list, but doesn't
that make the lft and rgt columns obsolete? And then again, what's the
advantage of using acts_as_nested_set?

> I highly recommend reading some articles (such as those by Joe Celko)
> on the nested-set structure.  It's not all that difficult to
> understand, and it has many advantages over the adjacency list that
> acts_as_tree provides.
> There's an introductory article by Joe Celko 
> athttp://www.intelligententerprise.com/001020/celko.jhtml?_requestid=12...
> (don't worry about the long SQL procedures at the end), and Vadim
> Tropashko's comparison of SQL tree structures 
> athttp://www.dbazine.com/oracle/or-articles/tropashko4may also be worth
> reading.  Executive summary: don't use an adjacency list for anything
> nontrivial.

I'll look into it, but chances are I'm not getting this to work with
the scarce information available on the net. And I really have to move
on, I have so many other things to do before my next deadline.

> > In fact, my controller and my views are a lot easier
> > to understand and just as powerful.
> No.  awesome_nested_set should not make your controller or views any
> harder to understand.  If anything, it should make them *easier* to
> understand, because you do not have to do lots of database queries to
> retrieve the records you need.

Then I've caught a bad example. The problem is: it's the -only- real
example I could find! And I really need examples to figure these kinds
of things out!
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